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     Some years ago there was an article in USA Today involving a Presbyterian Church in Missouri about the importance of singing in church, particularly the well-known psalms and hymns, as they encourage us, and in particular the next generation, to sing those songs that include our basic Christian doctrinal concepts, because in music we pass along the torch of our faith to those who follow us.  So, not just in preaching, as important as that part of corporate worship is, but in music our hearts are touched by the Holy Spirit.

     That's why I believe corporate worship, unlike other means of partaking in worship, as in cyberspace or on U-tube, binds our hearts more closely together. 

Our church, CrossPoint Chino, CA is currently using The Story as a basis for a 31 week sermon series which covers approximately 70% of the Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation.  The children's ministry, King's Kids, is using it also with age appropriate materials.  The pastor(s) use The Story, which the congregation is encouraged to read a chapter a week, reading the biblical texts for the weekly sermons.  It's a helpful way to take us through the Bible. 

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