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Lubbert:   Well yes, Israel is in many peoples mind already an apartheid state , Israelis and Palestinians are being kept by walls, segregated by different licence plates, forced to live in bandustans which are areas designed to keep communities apart with many discriminatory laws, and much more. I already wrote about this in an earlier post.

Again, the UN ESCWA report called "Israeli Practices towards Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid"(2017) by Professors Falk and Tilley which concluded that Israel is an apartheid state which was declared to be a crime some time ago. The unpopular Nation State Law was no help here either; it made non Jewish people groups second class which was already the case but this basic law formalized it.There are probably more states that could be called apartheid states but for now we are talking about Israel.

BDS...Boycott, Sanctions, Divestment: We did not ask for BDS in our overture but other churches have done this. Started by Palestinians themselves, it is one of the few peaceful options they have even if it hurts their own economy. Israel has lobbied hard for governments to declare it illegal in US states and lately Germany. But they are being challenged in the courts.


A reply to John Span and all:

John, read the overture again and notice that it is not about who owns the land but about the 

treatment of one people who have all the power over another people who have little power. 

The one has been impoverished by countless discriminatory laws by the

other occupying power for a long, long time.


The prophets always warned ancient Israel “to act not oppress the alien,

the orphan or the widow….to not shed innocent blood.” Jeremiah 7:5 -7

Remember the story of the prophet Elijah when he spoke to King Ahab “Have you killed and

taken possession?”  Ahab had killed Naboth and had taken what was not his. 1 Kings 21:19 

There is no blessing for ancient Israel nor the modern state of Israel. 

The forced illegal dispossession of homes and land takes place to this day.


Our Lord and Redeemer was not here to form an earthly kingdom but to call all people to Himself.

Jesus changed everything! The apostle Paul proclaimed that there is now no difference between

Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, we are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

Alongside ancient Israel, the modern state of Israel, we are all grafted into the “New Israel” 

for which our Lord died and rose triumphant. 


I was in Israel/Palestine, particularly in the Bethlehem and Hebron areas, in October 2015 to

specifically be a witness to what happens there. I went with the Christian Peacemaker Teams.  

There were eight of us. (Canadian, American, Australian). 

We talked with families who were dispossessed of their homes. 

We interviewed parents whose children were dragged off to jail.  

I saw how the Palestinian people in Hebron had to live with so many military checkpoints 

and the midnight raids they have to endure. 

We also spoke with Israeli Jews who are affected by the conflict or work for justice and reconciliation,

so many Jewish people are also deeply hurting from the trauma of what is there.

It was so disturbing that I resolved to speak up and be an advocate on all their behalf. 

It is about justice and descent human rights here and now.


The majority of visiting people go to places in Israel where there is relative calm and they naturally 

want to avoid the places where conflict is very real. Yes, there is corruption on both sides, 

you mention Hamas but Bibi Netanyahu will face the courts one day and not just in Israel.

Yes, the overture may seem to you to be one sided or lop-sided.

I agree with you because the whole situation there is lop-sided. 

You can find statistics about this on the website “”.

The injustices done to Palestinians is plain to see and well documented by the United Nations and 

Israeli human rights organizations like B’Tselem. I also agree with Gary Roosma that the conflict 

has become complex but because Israel and a couple of western powers, mostly with the US support of 

$3 billion or more per year of US tax payer’s money. They are letting Israel be content with treating 

this as a frozen conflict. So, this keeps the Israelis in Tel Aviv wealthy but insecure; 

and this keeps the Palestinians poor and doing most of the suffering.


Brothers in the Lord, I am glad we are having a conversation about this most pressing subject and there

is much more to be said.





“Both sides” - What does one think when one hears that?

We probably think of two parties that might be fairly equal.

Such is not the case with Israelis and Palestinians.


“One Sided”- addressing one party only. Why is that?


In the Background section of the overture # 6 says: “We hear continued pleas from Palestinian Christians (KAIROS, Palestinian churches document, Moment of Truth, 2009) that Western Christians take notice of the suffering of all Palestinians under Israel’s 52 yearlong occupation. Although we recognize the greater level of injustice practiced against the Palestinians, we acknowledge and lament the sufferings of both Palestinian and Israelis in this ongoing and worsening conflict.


“One Sidedness” explained:


Only one side has prisons and thousands of political prisoners are housed there over all these decades. Every Palestinian family is affected by this. Forty prisoners are currently on a hunger strike.


Only one side  is allowed to self-determination, the other side is hemmed in by huge concrete walls. These walls are not only on the “Green” line but there are also many walls creating “Bantustans”, areas created for Palestinians in the Westbank, like in South Africa, where the people are impoverished and socially isolated. Gaza is under complete siege by Israeli military by land, water and air.


One side lives in total freedom, although feeling insecure. They have protection through the law courts, freedom of movement and live as if in a democratic state. The other side live under military law by an occupying power. This other side has no effective protection through the law courts and conviction rates are probably similar to China.

The occupying power also transgresses many international laws like the treatment of child prisoners.


One side  lives in relative wealth while in many areas the other side live in fear of having their homes demolished. They are even charged to pay to have it demolished or forced to demolish it themselves.

With many internationals and Jewish Israelis, I was part of a demonstration in the Jarrah  neighbourhood near East Jerusalem against home demolitions. I was “egged” by some young Israelis driving by .( I was 69 years old and I never thought this would happen to me).


Again one side lives in privileged circumstances and the other in most areas is discriminated against through unequal rationing of water, electricity, taxes, mobility, housing etc., etc.

I have read there are about 60 discriminatory laws against the Palestinians, but I don’t have the list yet.( I will pursue this list)


Well, I have described enough human suffering for now and this continues to this day , it is not sustainable. We have not even mentioned much about Gaza.


I have read the Declaration of Independence of 1948 which sounded wonderful but it has also been transgressed over and over again. In history what the government says and what it does is very different.


The Background section of the overture states the comparison of the apartheid policies of the South African government to the Palestinian situation. The Church spoke up at that time and it needs to speak up now as well. I don’t know why the Classis BC SE advisory committees could not see that. 


Part of the problem is that many pastors have gone on pilgrimage trips to Israel, good in themselves, to get  an understanding of where Jesus and the prophets walked  , but without gaining an understanding  of  how the present day population fares. As far as I could tell there were not enough or any on the advisory committee that had a real knowledge of how the Christians and Muslims endure life in Israel/Palestine today. I believe the negative view from the committee was due to this lack of knowledge and I was a lone voice, as we were without a pastor at that time.


Our support team had qualified professionals from the CRC plus advice from a Sociology professor who spent a lot of time in Israel/Palestine. He was involved in a similar resolution in his Mennonite church. However, we are not perfect and we made a mistake in the Grounds section on a rewrite of the overture by one of our team, for which I took responsibility.

It takes an incredible amount of time and fact checking to start an overture and bring it to completion.


I totally agree that reconciliation should be a top priority but we do need to know the facts. 

In 1948 the Palestinians for the most part had a thriving society, it was not their fault that they happened to live there and they had nothing to do with what happened in Europe.

I do recommend watching the recent film “!948 Creation and Catastrophe”. It is a fair 

rendition of a collection of original voices and footage from 1948.

It is opposite from the romantic movie “Exodus” with its wonderful music that stirred every one’s hearts in the 1950’s. The Jewish people no doubt needed support and empathy.


“As [Jesus] came near and saw the city; he wept over it saying if you, even you had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19: 41—42.


We do need to pray as our Lord did for Israel and for our countries for insight and wisdom for justice, reconciliation and peace to come.

Sorry that this one is so long.


Praying for Shalom and Salaam for all, 


Thank you Bev. If there is one thing that is lacking in the overture #6 (not a perfect document) it is probably the emphasis on prayer for Israel particularly and all it's people between the Jordan and the Mediterranean.

You sent me one of these videos before and these collaborative efforts are wonderful and should be bathed with prayer, when I tried to open it this time it was blocked somehow.

In deed it is great when efforts of reconciliation work and should be encouraged, it is probably more possible in places like Nazareth and Haifa where the military occupation is more relaxed.

Talking about Palestinian Christians and Messianic Jews:

From my experience in Israel/Palestine, the Christian Palestinians are treated about the same as Moslem Christians.

For example we had a meeting in Jerusalem at the office of "Sabeel" meaning "The Way" a Palestinian Christian organization that attempts with other churches to keep the Church alive and relevant while living under a military occupation. So these are like the "Living Stones" or in many cases from the original church for centuries since the time of the apostles, anyway, one of the pastors was a 90 minutes late because he had to go through one or two military checkpoints.

Messianic Jews are accepted in Israel but according to Lisa Loden , a spokeswoman, they are at times harassed and looked down upon.

Plus recently were reportedly rejected from the right of return or "aliya" for Jews around the world or like grand children of Jews but this could likely be challenged in court.

So John, your comments about the "Palestine Media Watch", this has to be a deliberate misinformation outfit, when the name "Monitor" or "Watch" is used then it is likely a site encouraged by the Ministry of Interior in Israel.

There are credible Israeli Human Rights organizations as I mentioned before.

I mean who would put out a photo of a four year old with a toy machine gun?

We do need to be responsible and careful about our sources.

Preferably we should use sources that care for all people of the land and have a track record for justice and human rights or check with "KAIROS" endorsed by the CRC or even our sister church , the RCA have people with a much longer track record then our CRC.

For example:

The "Jerusalem Post" is very nationalistic and often calls Palestinians terrorists or Arabs (because they are trying to erase that name).

The "Haaretz" ( readership of about 4%), apparently the oldest newspaper in the country is in my mind more concerned about the sanctity of all human life and justice for all.

The "Israel Hayom" or "Today" (readership of about 39%) was started by Sheldon Adelson, the well known business magnate and casino owner from Las Vegas that is sold at no charge, also a very nationalistic paper.

These statistics say a lot.

On this Canadian Victoria day long weekend I should be camping or tending to my raspberry bushes and chickens but here I am doing this!

Jason, thank you for your thoughts "...push back against the obsessive "pro Israel" theology of the dispensationalists....often takes on an unbiblical, racist attitutes towards Palestinian Arabs".  If you are looking for good reformed theology on this subject then look no further then "Steadfast Hope: The Palestinian Quest for a Just Peace"  It is a study guide by the Israel/Palestine Mission Network published by the Presbyterian Church USA 

I also agree with Jason and Bev that there is not near enough sound reformed preaching on this subject!

In Michigan you are blessed with excellent reformed teachers/theologians such as Joshua Vis from the RCA with huge knowledge and experience from the Middle East and Gary Burge who is now in Grand Rapids, I love his writings on the prophets as the basis on how Israel should be behaving. And these guys will take you to talk to ALL the people between the Jordan and the Mediterranian! Too bad I am from far away, distant British Columbia!

 Overture #6 is there to promote truth, righteousness, justice and reconciliation for us as induviduals, local churches, national and bi national levels. The Office for Social Justice has an important practical role to play in coordination with liaisons in the Middle East as it is has been doing for a while. The CRC has sent out a number of delegations to Israel/Palestine which that has all been very beneficial.

But The Banner could do more in letting all our people know the truth in love what is really true rather then some news outlets with tons of editorial bent.

For example when a Michael Lynke , Reporter of the Human Rights branch of the United Nations comes out with a special report on how thing are in Israel/Palestine then that could be studied and reported on through our social justice people and the Banner as well , again in coordination with people of the CRC and RCA in the region that can verify it. We need to go forward with truth somewhere.

There is an excellent report from the CRC Office of Social Justice, I believe by Rev. Shannon Jammal-Hollemans, called 

"CRC Engagement in Israel and the Palestinian Territories". It is a MUST read for us all and especially  for the Advisory committee of the overture #6. It has a brief history, great suggestions and good statistics up to that date.

The report mentions for example working with groups like Musalaha (Gary's choice), Holy Land Trust and Sabeel ( which I have been involved with).

John, I will attempt to answer your 10 questions now from my own experience in the West Bank and a lot of reading:                Question #1 and #2 : I don't think it matters what the land was called except that it was called Palestine in recent history and to this day, well a part is supposed to be the state of Palestine and the other Israel, but as we all know, one was allowed self-determination through a couple of powerful allies and the other not.

And even if Israel is the overall occupying power as is the case: Leviticus 19 : 33 says "When an alien resides with in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God".

It looks like the writers of our modern International Law must have some background from Leviticus when it comes to behaviour of occupying powers! I so wish that modern state of Israel were that light on a hill and I could really revell with the wonderful stirring music of the movie "Exodus"!!

The owning of the land was in the old testament always contingient on Israel's faithfulness; sinfulness resulted in loss of inheritance and so land and righteous are linked.

So, "Is this all about land anyway?" As we already mentioned before in our discussions; No not really, we are to act righteously and love whoever lives in the land. Our Lord was also not interested in establishing a kingdom, his message was simply "to love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself".

The taking of land illegally, forcefully and without regard of the welfare of citizens that were deeded owners of the land for many, many generations is in deed an aweful and terrible thing to witness. It is what my fellow Christian Peacemaker Team members and I protested against in the Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, it was a great feeling that many Jewish people stood along side of us, even those orthodox guys with black hats who were actually Judaists (spelling?) protesting the Zionist ideology. I still receive weekly reports of this and other human rights abuses from the CPT. Sometimes I don't want to open those messages because it is so depressing and I can't always handle it.  

Even though this advocating is difficult work, I meet so many wonderful human beings. In our chapter of "Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East" or CJPME we work together sometimes with "Sabeel" which is Christian or the local chapter of "Amnesty International". We hosted a meeting of CJPME recently and we had an Egyptian, a Palestinian (no right of return), a Jewish man, a woman who is an Occupational Therapist who worked with people in Gaza from the World Health Organization, whom we met from across our house! There was also a young moslim woman of Lebanese Palestinian back ground who became quite emotional and said "I did not know that any Canadians cared about us." I just about cried along with her. So there is reconciliation and Christian love shown right in our neighborhood and I thank God for moments such as these!

Well, Doug, as I mentioned earlier the publication "Steadfast Hope: The Palestinian Quest for a Just Peace"  an excellent  study guide by the Israel/Palestine Mission Network from a reformed perspective from the Presbyterian Church USA still available at $10. 

Other churches like the Presbyterian church, Mennonite, Reformed Church of America, Episcopalian have their own version and I don't know how many CRC churches but we did have a study group in our East Hill Community Church in Vernon, BC.

So that is one way and there may be others.

The "CRC Engagement in Palestine and the Palestinian Territories" report mostly compiled our church's history to date on the subject, some suggestions going forward and population statistics.

It is too bad that there should be disagreement about that report, one could learn from talking about it.

My point was just that we should be able to trust our own  people going to Israel and those that meet them in the "field" so to say.

My experience is that no matter what persuasion of the Christian faith you are whether free evangelical or reformed or whatever coming back from Hebron or Gaza they have pretty much the same story of abuse of human rights and international law.

I am also not saying any party is blameless.

I do recommend going and spending time in Hebron or Gaza, people will not be the same again (not that everybody can just do that). 

It is really hard coming back from a place like those (just Hebron for me) and driving home the oppressive conditions people endure for generations now!

So the reason I mentioned Michael Lynke as the Special Reporter for the UN Human Rights organization is because it is not part of any faith group or party and internationally recognized, not because any one mentioned before is more or less righteous.

Comments on Questions 3, 4 and 5:


 # 3, Interpretations regarding “Waqf”: Mostly what I found on the internet was that it means an “endowment” which could be on a small personal scale or on important mosques, or other significant buildings. Some are very significant and others not so much, I did not find anything about declaring war, etc.  You would have to let me know where to find other explanations?

Probably Islamic laws might vary greatly from let say Pakistan, Indonesia or Palestine; just like there are many laws for orthodox Jews I would think as they are all about laws.

Again overture #6 is not about land and buildings as much but rather the great commandment to love God and your neighbor.


# 4 and # 5, Who has the corner on enmity or antisemitism? It is just as likely Europeans or North Americans, just think of the years of the nineteen thirties and forties or even today.

Actually there were times in Palestine and also Spain where the Jewish, Moslem and Christian societies prospered together.


It is in the forties, fifties and to this day when the Zionist ideology took over that started major discrimination against the local people whether they be Bedouin, Christian, Moslem.

There are Israeli Jews who are not Zionist and just wanted Palestine as before but alas this group is quite small. They are living a bit more like the prophets called for and they were the ones that stood alongside us in protesting house demolitions of Palestinian homes.


Are there no prophets in the land?  if anything was missed in the writing of the overture it is like the following:

I should mention prominent groups like “Peace Now” or “Shalom Achshav” in Israel

or in the USA “America Peace Now” This group of mostly Jewish people has organized huge rallies for peace and for a state for Palestinians. Peace Now has extensive maps of illegal settlements and great resources.  Prof. Gary Burge: ”When I have been feeling overwhelmed and depressed by the tremendous weight of the injustices in this land, it has been Jewish activists who have given me new inspiration. I believe that the reason of such extensive Jewish effort is because of the prophetic tradition itself. Deep in the heart of Jewish faith is what is ethical and just. This Israeli national harm to their Palestinian neighbors is profoundly offensive to what it means to be Jewish. Orthodox Jews and liberal Reform Jews alike can be seen marching in a city like Jerusalem calling out with the voice of Jeremiah and Amos as witnesses to the crimes they see. Are there prophetic voices in the land?  Is Elijah’s still heard?  Indeed!”


The Dispensationalist Christian Zionists, I find, are all about the end times and seem to care little of what is going on in Israel/Palestine and is what we of reformed faith should reject. 

Preachers like John Hagee seem to have an undying heart for Israel, without any regard of the documented sufferings of Palestinians.

Prof. Marvin Wilson, a specialist on Judaism from Gordon College an evangelical institution says it well: ”The number one obstacle to peace is nationalism, because so often it insists on the denial of the other guy. A biblical view can’t be anti -Arab and pro -Israel, or anti -Israel and pro-Arab. God’s heart is where justice is”.


Christian Palestinianism? A new label, but not mine as I care for all peoples of the land.

 “World Vision” the biggest evangelical charitable organization in the world with “the mission to follow our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.”

Unlike other Christian charitable organizations they are not involved in politics but network with the local Palestinian churches like Catholics, Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran and Aglican.

But secondly their Jerusalem office has become an outspoken, high profile advocate for human rights in Israel because they are in the midst of what is going on.

In much the same way does “Sabeel” works with the local churches to improve the lot of both Christian and Moslem peoples. Rev Naim Ateek is himself a pastor with the Anglican church, their focus is very much encouraging congregations, to minister with women, youth, etc.

But also have an international arm like World Vision.







To John Span:

Naim Stifan Ateek, one of the founders of "Sabeel" or The Way", is a warm, gentle, great Christian man. I met him in Kelowna, British Columbia, as I was part of a committee inviting him to speak to a broad spectrum of the community in the Okanagan Valley in a Mennonite church. We prayed and dined together with pastors of the area.

He is one of the Living Stones of the Land where he went to the Nazareth Baptist school, got his masters and doctoral training in the USA. He does legendary work in encouraging the Christians that are left in Israel/Palestine as well inviting Christians world wide to Bethlehem. I was at his office in Jerusalem where we were supposed to meet one of the local pastors but this pastor arrived very late as he detained at Israeli checkpoints.

It is in my mind not helpful to taint him with the same brush as some rogue example from South America

It is not the idea of this overture to have a detailed discussion about Liberation Theology which does have its place in the context of the suffering church in my opinion.


Overture # 6 Background:

“The role of the Church in the face of injustice is not to remain silent but to speak truth prophetically against oppression, discrimination, human rights abuses, and to call on governments to uphold international law.

Our denomination has previously acted on its obligation to speak to injustice in a similar situation by addressing “Apartheid” in South Africa. It is time again for the Church to use it’s voice in like manner about the ongoing injustices in occupied Palestine.”


I came across this UN ESCWA Report (that is Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) from 2017 called “Israeli Practices towards Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid” 71 pages long and I read most of it.

It’s authors are Prof. of International Law, Richard Falk, UN Special Reporter and Virginia Tilley, Prof. of Political Science U of Chicago, who came to the conclusion that the State of Israel is indeed committing the now recognized crime of institutional apartheid against the Palestinian people.


Four Domains:

Domain 1: The use of laws to curtail the capacity of Palestinian citizens of Israel to obtain equal rights with Israel’s democracy.

Domain 2: Highly insecure residency laws for Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem.

Domain 3: Military Law governing Palestinians in the Occupied Territories as a permanent alien population which rejects any claim they may want to make on Israeli political representation for equal rights and conditions.

Domain 4: Policies preventing Palestinian refugees and involuntary exiles from returning to their homes in Mandate Palestine.

These domains interplay on each other to enfeeble Palestinian resistance to Israel’s apartheid oppression.


There is much more on demographic engineering, discriminatory laws, no freedom of movement and practices that cannot be contained in this brief note……we should all read it.


I found at the end of the report under General Recommendations:

“United Nations bodies, national governments and civil society actors, including religious organizations, should formally endorse the principal finding of this report that the treatment by Israel of the Palestinians is consistent with the crime of apartheid.


I don’t know what religious bodies are meant here but I do know that many churches have made resolutions or overtures on this subject. 

This is a very pressing issue for us because our governments are heavily involved in this awful stuff and we are implicated in it, the USA much more so and Canada, no matter Conservative, Liberal, all our administrations have supported Israel’s immoral behavior, one just more overtly than the other. Our governments say they support a two state solution but let Israel build more settlements with $4 billion (from the USA) in aid to boot.


There are also counter arguments listed which can be accessed.

This report has yet to make it’s way to the International Court of Justice still.


I feel very sad having to present these things, it feels very heavy on my heart, we have not even talked about Gaza yet. We have been kept in the dark for too many years by a lack of honest reporting. We really do need to pray for all the parties involved and search our souls too.






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