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Thanks for your thoughtfulness Brad! One of the invitations I try to extend and receive myself is to create margin in my schedule and my life in order to honour the call to be present. It is hard to be fully present when in a hurry. I’ve learned a great deal from friends in cultures that believe that the person in front of you should be prioritized over the people who are waiting for you. While I recognize the need to honour people from within my current cultural norms, the cultural alternative highlights how highly other parts of the world value intentional presence. My journey is to reduce hurry, show up in a more peaceful way, so that I can host the presence of God from a more yielded posture for those around me. 

We are exploring the book of Jeremiah. We are looking at it from the lens of walking a season where we hold in tension the call to "uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." 

I really appreciate this! I point to curiosity about others as one of the greatest weapons against judgementalism. The posture also invites us to spend time with people without an agenda. I'm always curious what God might like to teach me through a person, or how God is already at work in their lives without them naming it as such. The key isn't to make others like me as a leader, but instead to choose to like them. Also, one of my favourite scenes from Ted Lasso. Thanks for the reflection!

Sandra if you are ever in Kelowna come check out the Well. We do a variation of what you are suggesting. It continues to shift and change through seasons, but most recently we’ve been eating breakfast together around tables to connect about our weeks to start out with, we worship from videos because we don’t have any musicians, we pray over each other each week and our teaching is also explorative and includes discussion. Bless you as you let God’s imagination shape your worship! 

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