Thank you for a thoughtful presentation on these important trust issues. As you noted, support of a small group is essential to the healing process. We also want to remember and include support for those families at the epicentre, both of the perpetrator and the person who has been hurt. I wonder if it would be a good idea for congregations to put together trauma teams as part of a safe church ministry so that we can be prepared when these types of incidents are reported. Ofen people in a congregation struggle alone with heavy burdens.
Posted in: Updates From Safe Church Coordinators: Classis Chatham
Thank you for a thoughtful presentation on these important trust issues. As you noted, support of a small group is essential to the healing process. We also want to remember and include support for those families at the epicentre, both of the perpetrator and the person who has been hurt. I wonder if it would be a good idea for congregations to put together trauma teams as part of a safe church ministry so that we can be prepared when these types of incidents are reported. Ofen people in a congregation struggle alone with heavy burdens.