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Thank you for this article. As Reformed Christians who understand Total Depravity, I think we can see how all of creation has been tainted by original sin. The sin of racism is pervasive to our systems, like all sin.  Much of what is discussed in the comments above point to Marxist connections to CRT. I wonder why we don't use the same barometer for the Tea Party or Libertarian roots in Marxist Monarchism. The idea that total deregulation is the only way to social and economic equilibrium is rooted in Marxist anarchism but I don't see anyone labeling Libertarians as Marxist. That is likely because, like those trying to bring light to the sin of racism in our social structures, neither group are fully Marxist. Rather, we are humans collectively trying to do what is best for all people and some ideas are present in a variety of philosophical statements.  If we are being truly objective exegetes of culture,  I think we should expect the scrutiny of ideas to be consistent and generous of spirit.

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