We belong to a CRC that too many stands out as the CRC of the future - very diverse, growing in membership (but not attendance), producing several candidates for the ministry, great young peoples programs. But music wise, for a couple who grew up in the RCA & CRC, and are now in their mid 70's, it's a big disappointment. Since 3 of the 4 songs are "performed" at the beginning of the service, we made the decision to enter the sanctuary just prior to the sermon. The pastor has turned over the music to a couple of people and they don't seem to want outside suggestions. The common phrase is "we love the pastor and we tolerate the music".
Posted in: Are We Singing Songs That Stick?
We belong to a CRC that too many stands out as the CRC of the future - very diverse, growing in membership (but not attendance), producing several candidates for the ministry, great young peoples programs. But music wise, for a couple who grew up in the RCA & CRC, and are now in their mid 70's, it's a big disappointment. Since 3 of the 4 songs are "performed" at the beginning of the service, we made the decision to enter the sanctuary just prior to the sermon. The pastor has turned over the music to a couple of people and they don't seem to want outside suggestions. The common phrase is "we love the pastor and we tolerate the music".