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One great way to get started in planning an effective community ministry is the Communities First Association (

They have helped so many CRC churches be salt and light in their own communities.

Anne Rice has been in the news as she recently decided to quit church so she can follow Christ. (at least that's my interpretation). I can't help but wonder how many others feel the same way?

Wendy Hammond on August 11, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I might have read too much into the article because I've also been following the discussions on her FaceBook page and all the pieces have sort of blurred in my mind. I know a number of young adults who have been disillusioned by what they perceive as a disconnect between the church they attend and what they feel their faith is calling them to do. I think that is what gave rise to the New Monasticism or Emerging church movements. I'm not an expert on theology and I know there are some issues with some of the emerging churches, but my overall point that I'm trying to make is that missional churches help bridge that gap that young adults often feel. That we are called to BE the church, to go and DO, not just show up on Sunday.

So I understand where owens_ey's daughter is coming from. I do hope she finds a church that will foster her desire to go and do. There are some excellent churches that do so right in our own denomination.

This is a three week series on creation care and Bangladesh:

The Healthy Church process might be a bit in depth for your purposes but it does get at what you are asking

It's important to have a mission, vision and values for your missions efforts. There are several resources available to help you determine your missional DNA. One that I often recommend is Focus Your Ministry by Catalyst Services.

It probably varies church to church, but years ago when I went before council it was presented very much as a pass/fail exam. Publishing in the bulletin was sort of a way of saying, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." I don't know if anyone ever didn't get approved, though.

Hello Gilbert! I'd suggest contacting with the World Renew office in Kenya as they may know of organizations in similar situations. Our country consultant is Jenninah Kabiswa, [email protected].

Additionally, Anthony Sytsma who is currently serving in Uganda actually adapted When Helping Hurts to be taught in Kenya and Uganda. It would be great to get his take on things. You can read about his training and find contact information here: 

Hello Carol! Diaconal Ministries Canada has some excellent forms on their website:

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