As an agency of the Christian Reformed Church, World Renew is subject to Synod. The Synodical statement on climate change can be found here
The peace and justice work includes widows rights, trauma healing, and more.
I run two personal websites, both on WordPress, and I LOVE the functionality it provides without too much techie knowledge required. Especially with a premiuim theme (I'm partial to StudioPress).
Thinking back to when I was looking for a church, I did appreciate a card sent to me (or email nowadays I guess). I'm not big on gifts - maybe I'm too cheap but I would wonder why they are spending their money on chachkes.
I know that some of the members of Communities First Association are involved in setting up such programs. You could visit their website to see if any are near you:
I did want to point out that many of the special offerings on the "official" calendar are for agencies that do not receive ministry shares . . . such as CRWRC :-) We rely solely on offerings.
The old book by Jay VanGroningen Changing Times, New Approaches talked about how to transition. Not sure if it's still available through Faith Alive as it looks like it's been replaced by The Deacon's Handbook.
I notice you're in Grand Rapids; you might check with Volunteers In Service to see if they have any resources that can help.
The Communities First Association consultants take an ABCD approach, which involves churches seeing what is already going on in their community, and what organizations are already working there, and networking together. Asset mapping is an important first step.
well, in the church I grew up in, I remember one Sunday the lights were turned off right before the sermon time. The chair of deacons made his way to the pupit and said, "We've been reviewing the budget, and if things to not improve, this is how we will be worshipping every Sunday because we won't be able to pay the electric bill." I think I was 10 years old at the time so I don't remember if things improved, but I'm guessing so because the lights were still on years later when I went off to college, and my parents still worship there today. Not in the dark.
I think transparency, and regular sermons on stewardship, are a bit more appropriate. Barnabas Foundation has a lot of excellent resources to help churches develop a culture of generosity:
Posted in: Donation to CRCNA Agency?
As an agency of the Christian Reformed Church, World Renew is subject to Synod. The Synodical statement on climate change can be found here
The peace and justice work includes widows rights, trauma healing, and more.
Posted in: Who knows of any affordable Christian web host and CMS solutions?
I run two personal websites, both on WordPress, and I LOVE the functionality it provides without too much techie knowledge required. Especially with a premiuim theme (I'm partial to StudioPress).
Posted in: Does your church give first time visitors gifts? If so what do you give?
Thinking back to when I was looking for a church, I did appreciate a card sent to me (or email nowadays I guess). I'm not big on gifts - maybe I'm too cheap but I would wonder why they are spending their money on chachkes.
Posted in: Training/safety programs for ministering to at-risk population?
I know that some of the members of Communities First Association are involved in setting up such programs. You could visit their website to see if any are near you:
Posted in: Could You Recommend a Book for Those Returning From a Mission Trip?
Hello Jeff,
Here is an article on the Network about this topic:
and a link to the book it recommends:
Good luck - this is definitely an important topic!
Posted in: How should a church distribute support to the denominational family and as well as to other causes?
I did want to point out that many of the special offerings on the "official" calendar are for agencies that do not receive ministry shares . . . such as CRWRC :-) We rely solely on offerings.
Posted in: How should a church distribute support to the denominational family and as well as to other causes?
I know there's a list in the yearbook but not sure if it's online.
Posted in: How do Deacons Engage Church Members in Ministries of Mercy?
The old book by Jay VanGroningen Changing Times, New Approaches talked about how to transition. Not sure if it's still available through Faith Alive as it looks like it's been replaced by The Deacon's Handbook.
I notice you're in Grand Rapids; you might check with Volunteers In Service to see if they have any resources that can help.
Posted in: What's the best way to keep track of all the Sundays designated for various offerings?
Diaconal Ministries Canada has a helpful handout that includes guidelines for scheduling offerings.
Posted in: Do you have information about Community Ministry Networks?
The Communities First Association consultants take an ABCD approach, which involves churches seeing what is already going on in their community, and what organizations are already working there, and networking together. Asset mapping is an important first step.
Posted in: What can you do when your church is not meeting its budget?
well, in the church I grew up in, I remember one Sunday the lights were turned off right before the sermon time. The chair of deacons made his way to the pupit and said, "We've been reviewing the budget, and if things to not improve, this is how we will be worshipping every Sunday because we won't be able to pay the electric bill." I think I was 10 years old at the time so I don't remember if things improved, but I'm guessing so because the lights were still on years later when I went off to college, and my parents still worship there today. Not in the dark.
I think transparency, and regular sermons on stewardship, are a bit more appropriate. Barnabas Foundation has a lot of excellent resources to help churches develop a culture of generosity:
Posted in: Link Up! What Podcasts Are You Currently Listening To?
I recently discovered Kingdom Reel when a coworker was interviewed. They do a great job!