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Wendy Hammond on March 30, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I love that "philosophy." It's been many years since I was in youth group but some of my fondest memories are of our themed fundraising dinners. It was a way to build community and raise money at the same time. 

Wendy Hammond on February 23, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

George, I asked Jay, the author of this article, about the church as institution and church as organism, and this was his response

My opinion on the distinction between church as institute and organism:

1. Who benefits from making this distinction? 

2. How does it benefit the isolated, poorer neighbors to maintain this distinction?

What a great question, as applicable in North America as it is anywhere in the world. Hopefully we can answer that question together.

Thank you for sharing, Steve. I just came back from spending a week with a church in Uganda and there is so much we can learn from our neighbors in the developing world. The church I visited has this vision: "A healthy discipled church, doubling in number each year, rooted in God's word, showing love to the community and committed to carry out the great commission." How inspiring! 

Karl, thank you for the work that you have done, I hope you will continue to contribute to The Network. Your wisdom is much appreciated.

I was so disappointed when James was cut! He is very talented. Thank you for your reflections on the disability perspective. It does make one think. 

My favorite explanation of the national budget is the Ben & Jerry's guy with the Oreo cookies. I think it's on YouTube.

i would love to see churches take advantage of social media. For example instead of using the provided Bibles I pull out my smartphone with YouVersion so I can read the Bible verse, take notes, or even Tweet or put on FaceBook verses or things that strike me about the sermon. It's a common practice at blogging or social media conferences that helps participants connect with others in the room and those who couldn't be there in person. I see that YouVersion offers a service like that. Not sure if any CRC churches are using it.

That's awesome, Karl! Sometimes God does blow us away with His faithfulness, doesn't He? Sometimes you just have to hold on for the ride and do the best you can and trust that God will lead the way.

Faith Alive used to have a devotional book called "Beyond the Agenda," which I thought gave great ideas for devotions to help build community within church committees. I also think that facilitation techniques are so important for good, productive meetings, yet they aren't taught very much in our circles.

Posted in: Great Resource

 For those wanting a taste of When Helping Hurts, the webinar I'm doing on October 6 will provide an overview on some of the key principles.

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