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My opinion is biased since I was an early contributor and have now become a guide. But it was because I thought the network was such a great idea that I supported it so early. I think you've done an excellent job and created a quality site.

I, too, wish I could get more of my church members to join in. We have quite a few people on Facebook, so maybe we can figure out more ways to bring this there -- where they are. I could try to remember to share articles on FB more. I know you already highlight articles there. We'll have to keep finding ways to reach out and grow, but I think it's already done a terrific job.

I love sharing ideas and hearing things that other churches are doing. This site goes a long way towards helping all of us involved in our churches to connect and gain insight from each other. I hope and pray that the Board will see the that the Network is another method of spreading God's good news.

Ken, this is a good suggestion and I'll definitely see what I can come up with. I have a few ideas already, and some sources for more. Thanks!

Well, I would not want to accuse anyone of nitpicking. What you write makes a lot of sense. I just thought it was a cute, funny little quip -- not reading anything deep into it, it just made me smile.



There is an article in the network called "How to Use Facebook at Your Church" that will give you some good basic information. Also, if you do a search for "Facebook" on the site you'll find quite a lot of resources.

If you need something just for your church members, you would probably want to use something else. If you'd like to share what specifically you are trying to do in regard to information for your members only, we very likely have resources on the Network for those purposes as well. Let us know.

When you use Facebook for your church, you typically would not be protecting it from others or keeping it secure. The whole idea of Facebook is to share information, not keep it protected. It's a great way to connect with people where they're at, and to publicize events and share photos and news. You might think of it more similar to your church's public website than a private, for-your-church-members-only tool.

For example, our church, along with two others, is planning a city-wide 9-11 memorial service. One way we are spreading the word is through Facebook. I posted information and a link about the event on our church Facebook page and invited everyone to share it with their Facebook friends. In this way, the word gets out and multiplies -- besides those who are fans of our page, as those fans post it, the word gets to their friends. And if their friends post it, it gets to their friends, and so on and so on.

Hope this helps!


Posted in: Doing It Wrong

Welcome to the network, Joy! I look forward to reading your posts. I am passionate about worship, too, and love hearing about new ideas and the way worship affects our lives.

Love it! I'm an IT geek but also a reading nerd. I get all happy inside when our pastor makes references to Lord of the Rings or The Chronicles of Narnia, or quotes from "Wired" magazine. :)

Live long and prosper!

Thanks for your comment, Keith. You make a good point that we in the church can benefit by stepping back -- "unplugging" -- and thinking about where, when and why we will or will not use technology.

Posted in: Say Thanks

I agree completely, Dave. I am always glad to go unnoticed when it comes to running the sound system. There have been times, with our old sound system, where I felt like holding up both my hands when people were craning to look at me to convey the message, "I wasn't touching anything!!" Fortunately we recently bought a new sound board and we're usually able to be unnoticed now when we run the sound -- always a good thing.

But I'm definitely telling my co-workers in the sound booth thanks for all their work. They do really put it on the line every time they sit behind that equipment.

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