Mark Hilbelink
I am the Lead Pastor of Sunrise Community Church in Austin, TX and Executive Director of the Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center, as well as Stated Clerk of Classis Rocky Mountain. I love God and the Kingdom.
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Posted in: re:kindle re:flection
Hey Graham.....yes, see the document attached to this article above.
We (YALT) also disseminate LOTS of content through our three online streams that I would encourage you to follow:
You're also free to contact us at [email protected].
Posted in: Facebook "Like" Button, Top 10 Lists [Feature]
Hey Tim....
It doesn't seem like those Top 10 lists are very there a glitch in there somewhere?
Posted in: Twitter Possibilities
Dave, I get these Twitter adds all the time from crazy fly-by-night companies that search for a word that's in my tweet and from people locally that want me to buy something from them. (ie, North Dakota tourism started following me when I ripped the North Dakota tourism commercial....I mean, come on, North Dakota?) I get similar adds on MySpace Music, etc. from bands I don't like.
Any how, I find them more annoying than the Twitter version of spam or junkmail. Don't we run the risk of becoming a simple nuisance or looking like the desperate kid in high school who asked out all the girls hoping to get one date?
Posted in: Living in a Time of Radical Change
John, thanks for a great question - I appreciate the focus on stepping back from our current situations at looking at the big picture.
I firmly believe that the biggest mistake we're going to regret in 50 years is that we set contemporary/modern worship as an either/or over against traditional worship, both musically and preferentially. I think, as we see the dust beginning to clear from the "worship wars", we're seeing a huge chasm between traditional-only and modern-only churches. If we're realistic, I think that means in 50 years, as traditional churches continue to close their doors, the songs they sang will be locked up, as well.....and I think that's a dirty shame.
I might be in the "cheering" section for change, but I really love hymns. However, since the modern and traditional crowds decided to fight a war rather than learn from eachother, the casualties are necessarily going to be quality traditional hymns simply due to the age groups who sided with one or the other. Maybe not in the next 10 or 20 years, maybe not even in 50 years, but the trajectory is fairly clear to this observer.......and its a microcosm of the Church as a whole that reaches farther than music to theology, practical ministry, etc.
Churches who participate in separate traditional/contemporary services and divided worship services into "praise team" and "organ" exclusive sections only contribute to this divide and drive it home to congregants. I always try to encourage bands to play hymns because it drives home a different message - if the Church is going to be one just as God is one, then the music must also be one.