Richard Bodini
I a pastor at Heritage Fellowship CRC, a church within Holland Christian Homes (www.hch.ca) in Brampton Ontario. It's a seniors apartment complex with two nursing homes attached to the 6 apartment towers.
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Posted in: Bible Study Help for Adults With Dementia?
Hi Mark.
Thanks for these. Yes, I have looked at Together when we received a letter in the late fall. I checked out the free links. It's good... but I have 52 weeks in a year, so I'm hoping to find something that might follow the liturgical year.
I have read through the Handbook as well. It's good, but it doesn't fit our context... too much restructuring.
I think what I will probably end up doing in the next couple of years is writing a Bible Study handbook for my use with mostly stories and simple questions. I'll probably base it off the Jesus Biblestory book and the liturgical year Bible texts... unless something falls from the sky into my lap.
Have a blessed day.
Posted in: Bible Study Help for Adults With Dementia?
Thanks Natalie.
I will check out the Big Story Cards.
Glad to hear about the Jesus Storybook Bible. We love it as well.
PlayDoh won't work well in our context... yet.
thanks for these great suggestions.
Posted in: Bible Study Help for Adults With Dementia?
thanks Michael.
Great comments that will be helpful. Yes about LOVE and FELLOWSHIP. I would also add compassion, grace, kindness, and touch. I don't do theological points anymore... but just try to keep it simple and hit the big notes.
For example, today I retold the story of Noah. God made a covenant with Noah... he promised to look after him... and to never destroy the earth... the reminder was a rainbow. The colours you see around you today is the reminder of God's love to you. The colours of the shirts that the folks around here wear who care for you are God's promise of help and rescue.
Belssings on your work.
Posted in: Activities for Seniors Christmas Dinner?
Invite your young adults and young people to the dinner, invite them to bring dessert. Have them placed at each of the tables with the seniors. Invite them to share faith stories...
I met Jesus for the first time in life....
My most memorable event when I was a youth/young adult was....
My favourite hymn/song growing up in church was....
I played this game, sport, instrument....
We have had Sinter Klaas come for a visit as well. The seniors thought that was incredible. They then told stories of the youth and Sinter Klaas... I received a shiny new nickel, an orange, etc.
Posted in: Why I'm Helping to Plan Another Canadian National Gathering
Thanks for your comments Keith.
Yes. Yes. Yes. A missional church active in every sphere of life. Living for Jesus in word and deed.
I have the same hope as you. And many more.
I anticipate seeing the Spirit at work in a powerful and abundant fashion in Edmonton next May.
Blessings on the journey.
Posted in: Creative Use of Church Space
The other part of your final question is "church properties." There are some who have community gardens and such. Our parsonage property garden helps to serve a handful of people in our community. Our standard comment is "just go to the garden and take what you need or want... we have lots." They won't go when we are around, but once we leave the house... they quickly walk over and get what they need.
The church property was right beside the Christian school which was beside a township park. The three entities formed a tri-agreement to have the township build and maintain a baseball diamond on the 3 properties some 25 years ago. It is the busiest ball diamond in the township! The people come and use our back parking lot... and side lot.
The school has since moved, the church gained the building and property... and we donated it to the township. They will be converting the building into a community centre and library in the next year. We are seeking further ways to make use of the building for the community with the township. It is such a blessing for all.
Posted in: Banner Article Highlights Need for Accountability
I can forgive you for cutting off my leg. But my leg will not be able to come back. So too with abuse. I can and must forgive. But I will also bear the scars of that abuse. We cannot confuse the two. That was an important aspect of the discussion.
Posted in: Our Problem With Infant Baptism
Pictures. Video. A candle. A wrapped present, like a book, that can be opened when they make a public profession of faith (like at age 5 or 8 or 11 or 16). A letter from someone in the congregation who was there at their baptism... that can be given to them later on. A constant reminder by the older folks of "I remember the day you were baptized... this is what it meant to me. I'm so glad that I was the one given the task of praying for you, encouraging you, maintaining contact with you for all these years..." Just some thoughts.
Posted in: Tablets in Church?
I use ShowDirector to change PowerPoint slides during the sermon. I have the entire service uploaded via Box.com as a PDF to my Android tablet. No more printing everything out on paper. It reduces the amount of stuff I have in a filing cabinet... but you really have to be diligent in maintaining one central place for all your electronic files and keep them up to date.
I'm considering how to use Logos software with parishioners for not only Bible study, but for sermon preparation. I won't tackle that one for awhile. Too many other good things to juggle at this time.
Posted in: Classical Counsellors
John, Norman mentioned the Presbyterian Church of Canada. We don't have PCUSA up here. There are several PCA church plants though... to appease the conservative contemporary worship people who don't want to remain CRC nor are they willing to jump to the URC. The Presby Church of Canada operates a differently from the PCUSA and PCA.
Posted in: Learning About Leadership from the Green and White
agreed with Marshall and Miller. But we've moved on.
We went to a game in Toronto... got tixs from a couple of parishioners. There were more Green and White fans than Blue fans. We made a lot of noise! The UofS alumni folks thought we were alumni and invited us to a party. We declined.
Take care... and enjoy Alberta.
Posted in: Learning About Leadership from the Green and White
Thank you Leon! Go Green and White!
We as church leaders can learn so much from leaders in other places. Learn both from the good and the bad. Not judging one way or the other, but applying.
That said... here is one of our sons with his "helmet" before the 2009 Grey Cup held in Calgary. The fall when stores had to make an extra large order for watermelons since Saskatchewan ran out that week.