Reuben Meyer
Hey there, I'm a born-and-raised Calgarian...one of the few...and also have spent most of my life in River Park Church (formerly First CRC Calgary). Other than that, I don't really know what else to say on here so you'll just have to say hi and ask me stuff if you want to get to know me better. My current favourite subjects to talk about are: my awesome little girls, Isabella and Alexis (happy subject); and, the global problem of human trafficking (unhappy subject).
Posted in: Have We Missed The Boat?
Thanks Marcel - it needs to be said. I haven't checked out the resources you mentioned (except the skit guys-couldn't pass that up), but thought I'd pass along another resource I've used recently. It's from a fairly unorthodox guy, but he's engaging and fun to listen to and says it like it is. His name is Mark Gungor and he does the laugh your way to a better marriage seminars which are great. He recently put out a resource called "Sex, Dating & Relating: Teen Edition" that I've used with students. I think it's worth checking out. I only used the parts where Mark talks and found it pretty good.
Posted in: Survey on Program Model
Our most consistent mode is the small group model, though it is hard to peg our ministry strictly as one of these models - we're mostly moving between event focused and small group, but it always seems that both of these are done with the hope that they'd build a more relationally-based ministry ;P