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Geri Witt on September 3, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Well, as you see, it's been over a month since you left your inquiry, and first I'll say "THANK YOU!" for caring enough to check up on me and keep us motivated to do this work. We have been busy! :)

The committee continues to meet, and we have accomplished some things, and are working on more things. We've accomplished the adoption of a Disability awareness policy in the church, getting it recognized in council. It has yet to be more publicly announced and noticed in the weekly/daily communications of the church, but each member of the committee is working to do so in their own volunteering and tasks as members of the church, as well as in our regular meetings.

Right now we are in the middle of a series of sermons based on the Sacredness of Life. We've focused on Life, Hunger, this week is Human Trafficking, then we'll have Restorative Justice and then the last week is Disabilities Awareness. We have Ralph and Carol Hondered coming for a luncheon and presentation of the Blessings of Inclusion on the 29th of September. Our Friendship Group is invited to this as well, and we hope to have other churches represented that day as well. Invites are going out this week.

Someone from our committee will join me and the Building and Grounds Committee at their next meeting for a discussion of better inclusion and access for those with phyically disabilities. We have a good start, but could do better for welcome with automatic doors and spaces within the santuary that make their inclusion more welcoming. 

We have dreams about being more available to the families who have a child or children with autism. We feel like we should be ready before we have the need. We've dreamed about offering a VBS to the community for those families, but haven't had the opportunity to share that with our church membership to see what kind of support we would have. 

We have other people inquiring (Larry Van Essen, Christine Hager, our classis Disability Concerns Advocate, a college student from Australia, a possible visit from Barbara Newman of CLC Network for an inservice with our local Christian School teachers) and we seem to be becoming the 'hot-spot' in Northern California. 

We're awed and humbled by the inquiries and pray for the strength and vision to carry out these tasks. Please pray for our team and ask God to equip us and protect us for the obstacles that will no doubt rise in front of us as we prepare to share God's love to all his children. 

Blessings and grace,

I love the NETWORK. So many helpful articles regarding ministry in the church. 
AND... I successfully RE-sourced a church in need of a VBS curriculum after posting a list of curriculum we had available. 

Keep up the good work!



We are in the process of forming a committee to look at these type of specific questions--How to be proactively inclusive of members with known disabilities, as well as anticipate needs of future members and guests of our facilities in our mid-week ministries.

We are working with our Regional Classis Disabilities Advocate to study an assessment and then make some recommendations to the council and committees in specific ways we would like to see our church's attitudes, as well as facilities, being more aware and ready to accommodate all of God's children, whatever their abilities.

I encourage others to voice their ideas and challenges here as well.

Thank you!

Would love to be kept in this conversation. Will be looking for those books mentioned. 


And we couldn't do our training in the local churches with out YOU! Thank you for your webinars and posts about Safe Church! I recently used some of your resources for an on-line training form for our volunteers. I'll send it to you to check out. If you have any suggestions to make it better, I welcome your thoughts!

Posted in: A Cure for Busy

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