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I look forward to spending time on this network. Our church is looking to update our website and I am sure this will be extremely helpful. Thanks!

Thank you, Fred and Bonnie!

One more question- Fred mentioned that his church can pay for each application. 

If you have background checks in your church ministry, do you pay for them, or do your volunteers pay a percentage? What is typical for churches?


Peg, you can use your personal account. then invite yourself at your church email to share a folder or document. Then share that folder with the council members. When I upload new agendas for council I always use the copy link option and use my church email to inform all the council members, include the link, as well as the simple instructions about where the agenda is in the council folder. 

The council folder is easy enough to manage the sharing as council members change. The share "circle" at the top of the page can be opened (click advanced after opening) and then remove council members who have retired out and invite council members who are new.

At council meetings, out of 14 attending, we have 2 who prefer to print all the papers and supporting documents. a couple of them print just the agenda, and then follow on their tablets, computer or phone for the supporting documents. But the majority have a tablet or computer, and the church IT volunteer has made the wifi public access strong for the council room so we have not had any problems with connections. The only clicking away on a computer is my typing when minutes are being recorded. everyone else is just scrolling. Hopefully on the agenda and supporting documents, on not on Twitter. :) 

We haven't had the agenda on a projected screen, but that is a wonderful idea. However, we don't have a screen in the council room. Yet. (note to self, contact the tech team.) :)

Last year our council began storing documents on Google Drive. As the Admin Assistant, and the person who assists the chair and pastor with agendas, document collection and putting together the packet for the council agenda, I have found that it goes pretty smoothly. I have asked them not to DELETE ANYTHING, but to trust that the documents will be cleaned out as needed.

So, while it has been a learning process, we are transitioning to having almost all of our council members accessing the agenda and associated documents online during the meeting. It is printed prior to the meeting for one or two of 14 attending members. 

When minutes become part of the approved minutes, I save them as .pdf versions with the note "approved at Council meeting, date", and then the noted chair and clerk and person who took the minutes. These are saved in the Approved Council Minutes folder. (printed version goes into the binder in the vault)

Our council has four year terms, and usually it only takes a couple of meetings for those new to Google Drive to figure out the ins and outs of how it works, and I always let them know I'm available by phone or email.

I also don't assume the whole council knows how to find a specific document or the agenda packet, so when it is ready, i send it as a link in the email, reminding them of the upcoming meeting. 

I hope this was helpful.


I am so thrilled to hear this! I grew up in this church, and 45 years ago it would have changed my life to be in church where they were praying with "eyes open". (In other words, I would have gotten away with a lot less as a 2 year old!)

Now as a church member--still CRC but in another state--I am encouraged by these words and hope to see this kind of prayer fellowship in my church as well!


Immanuel CRC in Ripon has a long history of opening her doors to the community during the weeks leading up to Christmas, as well as multiple options for members to reach out and give to those in need during the Christmas season and cold winter months. 

The Ripon Oratorio Society presents the music and message of Handel's Messiah on the first Sunday of December. This year is the 71st year! It hasn't always been hosted here at the church, but for many years now it has been. We also open our social hall and provide a warm lite-luncheon after the performance for the 70-90 voice choir and all the attending congregation. This luncheon is hosted by us and another sister church, Almond Valley CRC. 

Another community event is hosted by Voices for the King, a men's choir made up of men from nine different area churches and directed by Barb Viss.  This is the 7th year they are giving a free Christmas concert. The offering received goes to one of the local organizations, such as Stockton Gospel Center or Bethany Christian services, or Modesto Pregnancy Center. 

As a church, we encourage members to give to those in need. We offer Angel Tree (60 area children whose parent is in prison receive a fun gift and a useful clothing gift). We collect hats, mittens, scarves and jackets for men and women ministered to by Seafarers International ministry in Palm Beach, Florida. We collect food for the local Interfaith Ministries Food Bank. 

For the past 9 or 10 years we have opened our doors, providing a home for Family Promise the week leading up to Christmas, as well as three or four other times during the year. We provide breakfast and a warm family meal at dinner time, as well as many volunteers who spend time with the families displaced by homelessness. We also have a "Christmas party" and give small gifts to each of the guests. 

The Friendship Club which meets at Immanuel goes on a hayride, singing Christmas carols and goes to a local senior living complex, spending time with people there, telling the story of Christmas and enjoying some sweet holiday treats. 

Christmas is a great time to introduce a neighbor friend to your church! Prayers for a community within the church to welcome and enfold new attending neighbors. For all gifts and abilities to be welcome and enfolded in the congregation, reaching the community, one person at a time. 


Thank you, Kim! I've attended several webinars, and you were always gracious--even in the midst of technical issues, you gave us the assurance that it would all be handled, and it always was! God bless you in your new adventure!

Happy birthday, NETWORK! 

Your articles/postings will often inspire, educate and bring people together who are working together in their church, neighborhood and the world. Thank you!

Awesome God-story! Thank you for sharing. 

I especially like the quote from Lauren Winner. Where is it found?

This month we are beginning a 'short-term' committee for Disabilities Awareness. We will be going throught the Disabilities Awareness survey from the denomination and plan to have a worship service focusing on worshipping as people of 'all abilities' in September. It will likely involve meetings with our building committee, worship committee education committee and council, as well as private meetings with the families in our church who live with the challenge and blessing of having persons who are develomentally disabled as part of their family. 

 If anyone else already has some experience in either of these areas, please message me. Thanks!

On average, we have 2 general fund or ministry funding offerings a month. well, then we also have one that is for our building debt, so i suppose that doesn't count either. so that leaves one per month in the morning and then all the evening offerings as  special offerings- ministries of local or broader interest. This became the norm about 2 1/2 or 3 years ago when the budgets and the offerings weren't quite meeting at the same point anymore. And we're still dealing with that issue as well. 


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