Since COVID19 we are using our church Facebook page more often to keep members up to date with news. There is some discussion to the option of going "private" as that will allow pictures and news of a more personal nature to be posted but that also can limit our church being open and inviting to the community.
Personal items that are directly focussed on our church members are emailed to those in our membership.
Thanks Bryan, i'm evaluating yours and Staci's response. As you can tell I have some things to learn yet from the Facebook side....I did not know that our church (which has a FB page to indicate happenings in our circles) that now looking at Staci's note we van also have groups that are private within that page ....I will forward what I've learned to our FB admin...she is the only one who updates our page and even though we have a public page, no one except the admin can update it.
Thanks Staci and Bryan...since my FB knowledge is limited I am forwarding your information to our FB admin who moderates what goes on teh church FB page and possible she can delve int teh "groups" within our church FB page...that might sound like an option for us.
We use EasyWorship 2007 which we find very useful, intuitive for the users and does everything we need out of it. I suppose at some point we will move to EasyWorship 2009 to keep current. We are considering using input from http://DigitalSongsandHymns website using the Grey Psalter hymnal songs which include the music notes. This is in PowerPoint format and can be imported into EasyWorship. Does anyone know if we need additional licences to show this ...we already have CCLI,, but I am not sure if another license is required.
Thanks for the reply though I'm still confused. The website lists songs from the Grey Psalter and if you look at most of them (detail) it indicates no licence required and that tells me no reporting. I will have our Worship team contact Faith Alive to see how to clear this up.
We also use Audacity on a Windows7 laptop. Using the Audacity settings we have chosen, a one hour service is approximately 50mb, saved in a MP3 format to a USB. Using the USB MP3 file I import it into Roxio Sound editor, clean it up and burn to a CD for those that wish to have a copy. We also experimented with small portable radios that have USB imputs and we saved the worship service to USB and gave those out to shut-ins. Two problems we encountered with that; the USB's were slow in being returmed to us when the shut-ins were finished with them and there was some training of the elderly required to get them to understand how USB's work. After a trial run, we are back to distributing CD's
Posted in: Church Facebook Page Public vs Private?
Since COVID19 we are using our church Facebook page more often to keep members up to date with news. There is some discussion to the option of going "private" as that will allow pictures and news of a more personal nature to be posted but that also can limit our church being open and inviting to the community.
Personal items that are directly focussed on our church members are emailed to those in our membership.
Posted in: Church Facebook Page Public vs Private?
Thanks Bryan, i'm evaluating yours and Staci's response. As you can tell I have some things to learn yet from the Facebook side....I did not know that our church (which has a FB page to indicate happenings in our circles) that now looking at Staci's note we van also have groups that are private within that page ....I will forward what I've learned to our FB admin...she is the only one who updates our page and even though we have a public page, no one except the admin can update it.
Posted in: Church Facebook Page Public vs Private?
Thanks Staci and Bryan...since my FB knowledge is limited I am forwarding your information to our FB admin who moderates what goes on teh church FB page and possible she can delve int teh "groups" within our church FB page...that might sound like an option for us.
Posted in: What software does your church use for projecting songs, liturgy and/or notes?
We use EasyWorship 2007 which we find very useful, intuitive for the users and does everything we need out of it. I suppose at some point we will move to EasyWorship 2009 to keep current. We are considering using input from http://DigitalSongsandHymns website using the Grey Psalter hymnal songs which include the music notes. This is in PowerPoint format and can be imported into EasyWorship. Does anyone know if we need additional licences to show this ...we already have CCLI,, but I am not sure if another license is required.
Posted in: What software does your church use for projecting songs, liturgy and/or notes?
Thanks for the reply though I'm still confused. The website lists songs from the Grey Psalter and if you look at most of them (detail) it indicates no licence required and that tells me no reporting. I will have our Worship team contact Faith Alive to see how to clear this up.
Posted in: What software does your church use for audio recording of services?
We also use Audacity on a Windows7 laptop. Using the Audacity settings we have chosen, a one hour service is approximately 50mb, saved in a MP3 format to a USB. Using the USB MP3 file I import it into Roxio Sound editor, clean it up and burn to a CD for those that wish to have a copy. We also experimented with small portable radios that have USB imputs and we saved the worship service to USB and gave those out to shut-ins. Two problems we encountered with that; the USB's were slow in being returmed to us when the shut-ins were finished with them and there was some training of the elderly required to get them to understand how USB's work. After a trial run, we are back to distributing CD's
Posted in: Connecting via Skype
Hi everyone.
Skype is being discussed in our church as a vehicle to 'connect' in real time with our missionaries. My question is; how
exactly is Skype set up, ie what is the technical setup, what web cam is prefered, wired or wireless computer?
Any feedback is appreciated.