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What's a more PC word? Challanged? Some people are mentally/physically/socially challanged? 

  • they associate blindness with immorality (as in the phrase "blind to injustice")

No one has read "1984?" As I recall, George Winston's work duty was to edit words and phrases out of the English language in order to dumb down the general public. The above sentence is a prime example of trying to trash the English language. from google, note the second definition and synonyms under adjective: blindblīnd/adjective 

  1. 1.unable to see; sightless."she suffered from glaucoma, which has left her completely blind"synonyms:sightlessunsighted, visually impaired, visionless, unseeing; More     
  2. 2.lacking perception, awareness, or discernment."he's absolutely blind where you're concerned, isn't he?"synonyms:imperceptive, unperceptive, insensitiveslowobtuse,uncomprehending; More         


  1. 1.cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily."the injury temporarily blinded him"synonyms:make blind, deprive of sight, render sightless; More  
  2. 2.deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception."a clever tactician blinded by passion"synonyms:deprive of judgment, deprive of perception, deprive of reason, deprive of sense More 


  1. 1.people who are unable to see."guide dogs for the blind"
  2. obstruction to sight or light, in particular.


  1. 1.without being able to see clearly."he was the first pilot in history to fly blind"


bill wald on December 2, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

You may have tinnitus. see  google,  wiki.  My ears have been buzzing for 20 years. Probably cause by loudnoises and asparin overdoses. 


Maybe we should conduct all public worship on line. Each worshipper could select his own genra of music while accessing PayPal during the offering. Even better, select one's preferred music when becoming a member and the appropriate music style will automatically start when logging in.

If there is a special area for infants it could be utilized by people who are annoyed by candle odors.

Posted in: Accountability

The essay makes an indirect argument for a "confessional" priesthood. Protestant Christians do not have anyone to whom they can talk "off the record" and be assured the conversation will not cause legal or personal problems. the CRC has no tradition which would prevent an entire council and council minutes from being subpoena'd into court.  

Posted in: Is It Worth It?

I am sure that there are many talented people who who be pleased to electronically create teaching material to be posted on line. It could be be downloaded for no cost for teaching and evangelism. If "WWW.CRCNA.ORG" was added as a footer to every page it be advertising for the CRC.

The Plymouth Brethern, started in the middle 19th century, invented Dispensational Christianity, started colleges, financed the Scofield Bible,  and managed without paid pastors for 100 years. I attended DesMoines (WA) Gospel Chapel in the 1970's and half their budget went to foreign missions. I think they have been "corrupted" and some congregations have a paid staff.

West coast congregations are "open" churches, almost the same as Baptist churches. Closed congregations are in GB and on our east coast, known for not being friendly to strangers.





No one wants universal justice. If we did then the universal congregational prayer would be for Jesus to return and make everything right/just. The vast majority of congregational prayers are about half way measures and personal new deals of the cards. Prayers that God will change history to meet our requests boggle my mind.

What we want is justice applied to other people and mercy applied to ourselves. If Christians in the US wanted to be obervers of the law which goes hand in hand with the concept of justice then the accident rate on the freeways would at the least be cut in half. 


In the past I supported CRWRC because I thought I understood the purpose of mission and how it was carried out.  I thought the concept was offer no strings attached aid thus earning the right to be heard e.g. the people ask "Why are you doing this for us?" and the worker explains about our denominational practice of loving God and being a good neighbor.

To me, "World Renew" means nothing but "generic do-gooder." I suspect more than the name has changed. The neo-CRC plan is to become "stealth non-denominational" in the same way that the LDS is "Christian?"

Don't the Catholics, the OPC, the LDS, the Muslims . . .  want to renew the world? For that matter, our imperialistic US politicians and patriotic organizations want to renew the world in the "American" image.  


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