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I think your post is right on point. Yes I enjoy listening to new members/seekers. Another is to listen and observe confessions of faith. I look forward to your posts.

Brother in Christ Ken,

Thank you for taking this honest sharing step of how you feel. As an elder and a kidney transplant recipient myself I understand how you feel and your need to contribute to your church life experience. I must say I have been blessed with just good enough health to push myself to attend services (as much as I can) and serve on council. One outlet I have found that helps my feelings of belonging is to write in our church newsletter quarterly about different topics. This way I can share my thoughts from home and time passes more quickly.

Years ago I learned the two way blessings of doing elder calls on shut-ins and in a way it continues to bless my 'overstanding' feelings of non-involvement. I will continue to pray for YOU and your receiving Grace and Peace from God.


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