Skip to main content physics means energy to act or create movement (horsepower).

It is not used today related to bringsing about change or movement “peacefully.”

Rather it’s used in context of forcing change by friction. Example protesting. 

Coercion is too often viewed as power using force or intimidation (both negative ways of being).

Contemporary use of the word is too often wrong.

God and The People can give or grant Spiritual the other secular.

The concept, looking back moving forward is called Sankofa, a west African word.

Looking back is foundational, it is important to take the viewpoint of what had been achieved despite all the hurdles our ancestors faced and overcame. I.E. Tuskegee Institute, Mehary Medical, HBCU’s, inventors, Black successful towns, their violent destruction, etc.

Thanks for your work.


Thank you for this thoughtful guide.

The questions asked are our challenge to think first about what we are actually doing.

First steps are often the most difficult. Once first steps are made we can learn to walk with Christ together.

As Christians we have more in common than we have differences.

i'm reminded of the song "Walk With Me Lord, Walk with ME."

Thank you for your response. The change to Manifest Destiny (to my thinking) was economic greed driven primarily.  i.e. Seemingly endless resources 'just laying around' not valued by Indigenous People. The drive to industrialize the eastern states created land grabs, violence and immigrant populations moving west.

Manifest Destiny (God's Will) assuaged the Conciouses of people seeking better lives away from resource poor Europe.


To stay grounded when "helping/interacting" with ALL people I remind myself "There but for the Grace of God go   I."

People on the margins can and often are closer to God than I perceive because I look through my own filters. 

Choices, choose to follow God's commission or choose to provide for aesthetics. The choices are never simple or easy. As congregants' resources shrink, so too do church resources. My question is how do we address the olde saying: Give until it hurts? If I give willingly the 'hurt' is less, the joy is more.

I have a minor 'disability' and applaud this two paths approach. It would be beneficial for non-disabled people to learn/discuss the spiritual and psychological 'place' in their minds that sometimes 'upsets' them when faced with interacting with people they perceive and want to respond to as 'disabled.'

Thank you for your response and question. You are fairly on point in understanding my post.
Actually I am referring to a spirit state of the non'disabled' of experiencing a change of their conciousness and approach to so called disabled people.
Yes 'disabled' people have that label put on them and too often when seeking to participate fully in human experience, categorization and sympathy cloud the hearing and understanding of well meaning 'nondisabled.'
Your other mention of antiracism workshops and story sharing has been a bane to living and worshiping as one in Christ. Again 'story' does not capture the essence of experience and spirit.
Yet I have learned the hard way that 'story sharing' is an absolution experience not healing the story teller rather giving the partial hearer a sense of absolution just because one listened.

Yes I have experienced change for the better in other people sometimes and in my own life view. Only with God helping me/us can fundamental world/people view change. I believe with all my heart that with pray, especially for Wisdom and Patience all things are possible in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Pastor Sheila is a wonderful person and leader in the CRCNA. Prayer for her wisdom and leadership will be my way of supporting her in her new and important role. Encouragement from our membership will uplift and affirm her efforts greatly.

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