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Thank you for your encouragement. For once I expressed my real feelings and it helped me personally to 'post it.' As children of God we all have good intentions and our collective challenges are great. I am a firmm believer that with Christ filled hearts and minds God will lead us to unity. There has been too much talk and writing and not enough commitment to living Christ-like lives together. The Peace of Christ be with you.

Having read previous discussions about diversity, witnessing a change in the mood of people toward inclusion from 'let's try to do better' to 'what diversity looks like' I have been hopeful then cautious now wondering what may or may not occur in our denomination. In 2012 I am not feeling the Love of Christ in discussions and not seeing a willingness to change or 'give it a try.' The assumptions that diverse people somehow are different in mind, body and spirit in our relationship to the people of God I find to be 'odd.' I continue to hope, pray and quietly believe that our 'diversity' will occur when we all accept each other as children of God.

Well at 66yrs olde I read, study and pray a lot. Giving 'examples' to me serves no purpose other than reading reactions and counter reactions to what I write. I felt motivated to post which I avoid most of the time because I'm oriented to living the Gospel rather than writing about it. It is interesting to me when I read, listen and seek God's Grace in conversations on or offline. The feeling of remorse I write about is because regardless of the words diversity or multiculturalism or equal rights, the reactions of good well meaning people is too often based on unsaid beliefs. Just say I'm olde and tired.

Great comments and perspectives from everyone. With online networking sites, church websites expansion and emails technology allows us to keep in touch with north-south, or even east west members, thus knowing how they are doing, how their health fairs and letting members know we care.

Acceptance and Inclusion have to be a two way experience.

Saying “I don’t know about your culture” is not an even exchange.

Let’s not forget the early church was inclusive.


Christian forefathers laid the path to the Gospel centuries ago.

Translating the Bible and songs of the faith many non-European churches are established.

Yet the undercurrent message we send out today is the Believers of Faith somehow need our “help” to spread the Gospel.

I pray we can mature in Christ to equal partnership.

50 years is a long time.

I was a student at UIC, WORKING, and heard on WVON Dr. King was Assasinated  in Memphis.

At 22 my spiritual strength along with parental and elder counsel kept me from spiraling into the abyss of rage and hate.

Rather I rededicated my life and self to witnessing the Love of Christ even to people I knew hated ME.

I did learn though hateful Americans were hell bent on killing our leaders. To date that quagmire of hate has not gone away. Political correctness only masks our collective unresolved issues.


Differentiation, isn’t it “natural?” an idiom we are taught regardless of culture. This is part of American Values is it not?

Notice all statements are questions. Why? Because there are no simple answers. So often we defer our changing our ways to “God, Jesus The Christ will take care of troubles” if we worship and praise Him.

Yes this is true, God Willing, yet WE are instructed to act and do with a heart of Love. Thus my will is subservient to God’s’ Will. Interacting with People on a level playing field would be a smooth way to fulfill the instruction “Love one another?”

so I ask myself “Am I following God’s Plan?” When trouble comes my way, I pray for Wisdom, persistence, and patience. This is a life journey, sometimes Up the rough side of Social mountains, even through the valley of repression.

Thanks for beginning this conversation!

Once interviews are complete, a video or mp3 copy should be available?

if so it would be nice to show it at Classis and Church Council meetings.

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