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The term “American values” is a broad brushstroke.

Old American values had enslaved and endentured people making America great.

All immigrants came here for a myriad of reasons, one being persecution because of religion.

There were and are millions who want to gain money, land, food and power.

Churches, businesses, well meaning people all are involved.

Our nation has tiers of socioeconomic classes and we seem to want to argue over anything at any time.

We must toil harder to encourage common agreement.

Your comments are good.

Matthew 7:1-5 teaches us to : “Judge not lest he be judged yourself.”

try as I might, this is not easy when we are living in an adversarial culture.

it is not wise for us to forget Love is Jesus message to us.

our churches must witness this Love in all we do. We can have positive debate about how we can better shine our Light. Our Light shines brightest with Grace.

Develop answers about the  Black African History within the RCA.

Create a plan to teach this history within the Sunday School curriculum. 

Center this effort explaining the role of prayer.

The meaning of Sankofa (African word) is looking back to know where we came from to understand today and know where we need to be tomorrow. I paraphrased this to say it is important to know what happened

yesterday to see where we are today, however more important is where we are going to be tomorrow .

thus a three stage process is vital for our successful future.

Our descendants will determine tomorrow's outcomes, so what we do today will be their "past."

Let us pray together that we do not stumble by only looking in the past too long.

An interesting conceptual word document.

Church and Classis are mentioned, yet who, what and how will the NMA blend information and recommendations into the structures of church and Classis?

Often I respect denomination presentations, only six months or a year later the communicated 'help' is time consuming.

Targeted use of email, messaging, Facebook is very effective and saves time.

I continue to not see reference to the 19th and 20th century planted churches as co-participants WITH our North American body of Christ.

I pray this New Paradigm will represent ALL of the global Reformed Body of Christ.

Respectfully Fronse

Yes the theological thoughts of former Missional African churches need to be listened to, heard, recognized as we wrestle with our own responses to North American Openness Movements.


Rev Posie, This is a very challenging post and question. There are built in church structures to involve adults, fewer for youth. Each minister and council has opportunities to ensure Youth development.

How? From early childhood, parents and council can form youth to be leaders by including and encouraging youth participation in church events, planning and worship.

The greatest words to build self confidence are "You've done well." Children achieve when they have structured kindness based encouragement. Let youth plan an event, not be told what to do.

yes, constructive criticism is sometimes needed and should be done in love.

Cadets is the structured group that can be a base. Juneteenth, MLK, KWANZAA are cultural events for Youth and family participation.

one last comment: our children and Youth sitting in the pews hear adult tone and tenor very well. Thus we must prayerfully consider how WE speak and act around them. They take their ques from us.

Halfway through our 2018 Black History Month our challenges continue.

Better communication and smiles go a long way to reconciliation.

i pray God grants us patience, persistence and tenacity climbing Jacob’s Ladder?

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