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There are many things that can define a healthy church, but as a closer to second generation looking into first generation Korean church, here are some items to address... briefly.

1. Healthy churches requires healthy pastors. Emotionally, mentally, socially and spiritually. Churches will enjoy God's blessings of joy and peace if the pastors (especially the senior pastor) have God's peace and joy.

2. Healthy churches need Godly disciplines. History of Korean churches in US is not long. Many leaders are not well trained spiritually and biblical intellect in application is low. (There are some great spiritual leaders, elders, kwonsas and deacons but they are too few to find) Unfortunately, pastors have not trained their leaders well and many leaders don't know "how to do church" and cause problems. They need to be disciplined. The discipline often may need to start again with pastors.

3. Healthy churches need to train and develop leaders. Many leaders are not trained. Too many people have been ordained as elders, kwonsas and deacons simply because they've been attending church a long time and/or given significant offerings. Many problems in Korean churches can be overcomed by biblical and practical education.

4. Healthy churches should have Kingdom perspective. Too many Korean churches are self-contained. Theis is understandable with short history of churches and most are still in "survival" mode. It is important to know that church means "God's church" and church is beyond the local congregation - such as classis and denomination and even beyond.

5. Healthy churches will have respect and compassion for all people. This is another view of Kingdom perspective. Reaching out in love for people in different generation and cultures - globally and locally. Many Korean churches are great reaching those far away (mission) but not necessarily with those who are close (community). Starting with younger and English speaking generation maybe a good place to start.

6. Healthy churches starts at home. Spirituality (education and practice) must start at home and continue to church. A person who are not able to maintain healthy (Godly) home cannot be asked to lead a healthy church. One cannot give what one does not have.

7. Healthy churches must be the people. In many Korean churches, good and healthy churches means having many good programs but good programs do not produce healthy churches, good healthy people produce healthy churches. Programs must exist to build people. People should not be used to build programs. 

There are more things, I'm sure. I pray that these will prompt many discussions and even debates and arguments among Korean leaders. Of course, not for the sake of arguing but to build healthier churches. It is time that we retreat from all that we do and start thinking, praying and discerning what really are important among all that we do as pastors.

Congratulations and praise God for your appointment.

I am praying that you (as well as all other delegates) will discern God's Spirit as Synod convenes. Yes, there are many important issues that needs decisions. Try to read up on other issues as well - especially the diversity report.

I have not been diligent in posting things here as I should have. 


이번 총회에 가신는 것에 축하드리며 격려합니다. 하나님께서 귀하게 쓰실 것으로 믿습니다. 이번에 중요한 내용들이 몇가지 있지요. 주님의 인도안에서 잘 결정하실 것을 믿고 부탁드립니다. 

앞으로 계속 post 를 올려 주시기 부탁드립니다.

Ronald Chu on December 27, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks, Ken. Your kind words are encouraging.

It would be great to overcome all barriers and just worship together. One of these days, before we get to heaven, we can work to make it a reality.

Thanks... in Christ,


Ronald Chu on September 17, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Good question.

Actually, many EM folks have gone to Anglo churches. Some stay but majority find themselves again unsatisfied. They feel something is missing. Many try Korean churches again after couple to few years later, but again dissatisfied and unfulfilling. 

I believe it has to do with some spirituality. Can't put into words, but these are truly marginal or between people. They are called Korean-Americans and they should be both Korean and American, but in reality they are also neither fully Korean nor American. I believe all ethnic person feel this way. They think they can be both but at the same time, they are neither. They can't explain it, they don't know what it is... only thing they know is that they are neither. 

I am a firm believer that only true satisfiable identity (where one can survive in all people and culture) is found in Christ. Unfortunately, this is what is missing in most churches. 

Ultimately, we have to link people to Christ... before anything else. Often we focus on earthly matters without leading them to spiritual. We need to start with where they are, but we must lead them to Christ. 

Some will make it in Anglo churches, which is good. Some will make it in multi-ethnic churches, which is also good. However, majority will seek to find... without knowing what they are looking for. It is this majority lost people that we have to focus and guide them to Christ and to church.

Thanks for responding. Maybe you have some other ideas and strategies to share?


Ronald Chu on January 10, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I wish more Korean pastors and leaders have your understanding.

Thank you for your sharing.

 한인 목회가 특별히 어려운 것일까요? 목회라는 것이 힘든것이 아닌가요? 특별히 인간의 힘으로 감당하려면 힘든것 뿐 아니라 불가능한것이 아닐까요? 제가 섬겼던 교회를 생각해 봅니다. 매우 갈등이 심각한 교회였지요. 언제나 목사와 장로들 사이에 갈등이 많지요. 많은 한인교회에 같은 문제인것 같습니다.

하나님께서 하나 가르쳐주신 것이 있습니다. 하나님은 한분 이십니다. 목사가 섬기는 분은 하나님... 장로들이 믿는 분도 하나님... 같은 하나님을 섬긴다면, 목사와 장로사이에 갈등이 있을수 있을까요? 그럴수는 없겠지요. 한분이신 하나님이 목사에게 이런말을 주시고 장로에게 저런말을 주시지 않을것입니다. 그러면 왜 갈등이 생기고 싸움이 생기고 전쟁이 나는가를 생각해 보며 기도했습니다. 조용하게 하나님꼐서 주신 말씀은... 목사가 이기적인 생각을 하고 있던가... 아니면 장로가 이기적인 생각을 하고 있던지... 한쪽 아니면 양쪽이 하나님의 중심이 아니라는 것입니다. 제가 담임목사로 섬기던 교회에서도 논쟁이 되고 분쟁이 될수 있었던 때가 있었습니다. 하지만 하나님께서 주신 생각을 장로들과 나누며 우리 (저와 당회원들)의 마음을 정말로 비우고 기도하며 하나님의 뜻을 구할 때, 하나님의 역사를 체험했습니다. 정말로 기적적으로 당회가 하나가 되는 것을 보게되었습니다. 한달이 걸릴때가 있었고 두달이 걸릴때도 있었습니다. 하지만, 살아계신 하나님의 역사를 보게 되었습니다. 

다른 여러가지 어려운 일등이 있겠지만, 그중에 한가지를 나누어 봅니다.

제가 떠날때 처음으로 담임목사가 축복을 받고 나왔습니다. 지금도 사랑과 축복의 기도를 받고 있습니다. 제가 잘한것이 아니고, 하나님의 지혜를 깨닫고 믿고 따를때 역사가 일어났다는 간증을 드립니다. 

많은 한인교회가 많은 아픔과 고통을 가지고 갈라지는 모습을 봅니다. 우리 목사들과 장로들이 (먼저 목사들이) 자기 생각을 버리고 한분이신 하나님을 장로들과 함께 섬긴다면, 감사와 사랑과 축복이 넘치는 교회를 세울수 있지 않을까... 기도해 봅니다.

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