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I do some of what my wee bit older colleague does, or skip playing if it really is not organ friendly, but sometimes you just have to get in there, the song has to be shouted from the rooftops so to speak. Next question, we don't do this, but I would like to play a Praise song, without the team sometimes, one that is suitable, we can differ in our thoughts on suitability, as in Celtic based songs, I happen to think, using the right stop settings, it sounds great on the organ, but yes, even while being new on the keyboard, there is some great stuff on it which enhances the songs, I am getting there.

Hi Graham, nobody seems interested in "going back" it seems, we are going the other way from yours, so I can't really help you, however, Chad Meeuwse wrote a letter above, he has some interesting ideas there, he is from Modesto Ca. I don't know if that is close to you or not, I am sure he can give you some good advice. We are working to go to Intergenerational from blended, which is great, all ages involved in the planning and participation in the services. The idea behind it is that we do not use hymns or organ because some people like it, or to try to keep them happy, but because they fit with the theme of the Worship that day. What I am a bit unsure of is if this also goes for the contemporary side. Also, go to the Worship Forum, there is a post about Intergenerational services, it may be of help to you. One question, where did the desire to reintroduce the hymns, and the use of the organ come from, is there some support for it? Blessings on your effort, John.

Hi Spitfire, WOW, this is mind blowing, off putting to in and outsiders, how unbiblical can it get, Christians are not supposed to sue each other but find other ways to solve your problems, as you have done previously. There are two sides to a coin but it sounds that you and others are terribly mistreated here. Is there any possibility your minister can intervene on your behalf?, the church community is a big supporter of this school I presume and may have some influence talking to them. Now, to get out of the biblical realm, our news paper that we receive has a consumer help column, if people have tried to solve their differences they can contact the paper who will intervene on their behalf, you can tell the other party that you will have to go public with your complaint, it seems to have mind changing powers on their thinking. God bless you in this, remember, He cares for the disadvantaged even if we don't.

Hi Spitfire (I don't know where you got that name from or for, my mothers eyes could spit fire if she had enough of our shenaniganism's!(:). Great that you take some time before "spitting fire" at the school, I have learned (but not all the time yet) to take the time to reflect on what I wrote, hit the SENT button, and promptly got into trouble!. Over reacting?, perhaps they should walk in yours and the rest of the families involved shoes before they say something like that, sounds like the government. Is there anything that you can do to help the situation?, family that can help out?, extra jobs certainly takes away family time, but it is not unheard of that people do it, would you still be interested in something like that. Don't answer these questions, it's non of my or anyone else's business, these are just some thoughts about the possibility of rectifying the situation, I get a sense of how important the schooling is for your kids and admire the hope you have to be able to give this to your kids. We are all sinners and do wrong, including anyone on any Christian based committee, if not, none of us would have to be involved with the church or it's institutions, our Hope lies in the Lord, I hope you won't loose that, my prayers for help and wisdom are with you in these coming days, God bless.

Hi Spitfire, after reading your last reply I was thinking, some people received new names in the bible, i.e. Abraham, Jacob, and more, I like Spitfire, but I thought that "Peacemaker" would suit you very well! ( I don't expect you to change it though, but God loves the Peace Maker). Yes, you can share it with anyone you want, my comments like anything else in this world are not my own but belong to God,( and He forgives all the dumb things I say too!), after all He knows before I speak what is going to come out, John.

Posted in: Youth Group Name

Just a follow up on our first intergenerational service, to which I must admit I looked forward to, but with the same trepidation as going to the dentist with a tooth ache. Thanks to this whole forum site I have been writing my inner feelings out on several of the forums, some calm, cool and collected, others not so much so, I guess that it is part of coming to grips with the changes happening in our services. Being a bit offish to the service since I was going to play the whole service on the keyboard I was a bit reluctant, but, it went very well, and since it was a "youth led" service, it was nice to be Worshipping with them. Some mom's were involved as well and hopefully we'll have some more members involved the next service they will look after. So, thank you Forum and all that write in these, even if it is not directed at my little problems, unwittingly,you may have an impact on someone somewhere in CRC land. to God all the Glory, bless you all.

Posted in: Youth Group Name

Hey! I just thought of a name for all you people writing to /in these forums, how about "Re-Forum-ers"?, I'll put it up as an Forum!

Hey Billwald, forgive my un-knowledge of what is where in the Bible, it sounds like you are testing the limits of how far you can go, (which kids and adolescents do, it's a part of growing up), is that different from hiding our sin? doesn't  Paul  (I think, straighten me out if needed) not write the question that if we accept the Christ, our sins are forgiven and so we can sin more so that grace can abound? the answer to that is, by no means. I think that we are sinful by nature, even after accepting Jesus as your saviour, and so we are "as if without sin before God". So, us doing something wrong and deal with God afterward is a bit like the Roman Catholic Church and their indulgences, which set Martin Luther on the path to reformation. But, you're not alone, I wouldn't be far off the mark if I say we all do it, besides why are we in church? to show how good and holy we are, a condition we should strive for, but also one we like to use too much, keeping others away as well. It looks like the proverbial circle, and nothing is new under the sun doesn't it.

John VanLeeuwen on November 4, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Step by step, this may, no, will take time, through your efforts, God woke me up that we have to have the youth involved and that it will be a blessing for Bethel. His time or ours?, it took a full 33 years before my hope for a better organ was realized. Remember, God is in control, we went through al kinds of hoops to convince potential ministers that they ought to come to Bethel, the answer was NO three times before our prayers were answered. The same occurred with your position, count your blessings, count them one by one, this path will lead where God wants it to go. Step by step we'll go, together, with God.

Thank you all for your comments, our church will have a meeting about this issue in a few weeks, it is a difficult thing, or is it? Just a small thing that popped into my mind, we are drinking wine (well, we use grape juice to avoid problems if a recovering alcoholic should be with us), are we breaking the law of the land if a young child drinks it, even the little bit we use? Another point, when one does profession they are full members of the church and allowed to vote, we sailed around that one by stipulating that the child was not able to vote until age 16, is this something that should be addressed?

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