Warren Stob
Retired several years ago from engineering and management positions, I now enjoy reading, travel, ancestry and grandchildren.
I do part time consulting and spent 2-3 hours each day doing work with the computer.
We have lived in Michigan, Florida, Minnesota, California and enjoyed our spiritual journey in memberships in several CRC and Presbyterian churches.
Posted in: Email Lists: Avoid the Headaches of Postage, Stapling, and Printer Jams
The Mission Support Committee (MSC) of Ridgewood CRC sends the monthly newsletters from supported missionaries and mission causes to the members of our congregation. "Blind Carbon Copies" (bcc) are used for e-mail addresses so that they are not disclosed; and all letters are sent in "pdf" form with file sizes less than 1.5 Mb. The letters are sent by a member of the MSC, with copies to the Pastoral and Office Staff so that "hard copies" can be made for distribution to members without e-mail.