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Update: I just got a call from FOX & Friends. They saw Matt Branaugh's Christianity Today article and asked if I'd be interviewed for a segment on their show.

I declined, but it's interesting how this little discussion thread can turn into something bigger. And, even in declining, maybe Google will see my tweet about it and reconsider their stance. Not super-likely, but one can always hope!

Posted in: THANK YOU!

Wow, Brenda. Thank YOU for posting such kind words.

It's been quite a year. The online Network actually doesn't have any full time staff...just a few of us part-timers that, combined, probably make up about one position. How's that possible?

Because of YOU and others like you that post questions, comments, and interact with each other. And because of our volunteer guides and hosts who lend their time and expertise by writing blogs, articles, responding to questions, and more.

Like Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, and many smaller examples of social sites...the value of The Network is created by the community!

So thanks to everyone for participating. 

By the way, yesterday we broke another record for traffic to the site. Not bad for mid-February. Keep spreading the word so more and more people can join the conversation! There are so many people in our churches who still don't know how they can benefit from connecting with each other on The Network.

Posted in: Network Use

Tim Postuma on July 12, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hi Ken,

We had some permissions issues and down time in the past 24 hours as our developer pushed out a system update. Should be all good now.


Posted in: Network Use

Thanks for your interest and enthusiasm, Fred.

You're absolutely right...we need to spread the word even more. Last week we sent this email to every Christian Reformed Church, asking them to forward it to their congregation. Hopefully they do, and maybe a 'nudge' from someone in the church would help!

Show and tell really helps...and we'd love to visit churches and classes. We've discussed the latter but the tough part is staffing and expenses. This online Network has a modest budget and no full time staff. We're hoping the word can spread from person to person within churches and between churches. In other word, we're counting on YOU and people like you to help!

Here are some other tips for spreading the word in your church. And we're hoping to soon update this video tour so people can show it in councils, classes, or wherever ministry leaders are gathered.

The momentum is growing. We're getting about 15,000 pageviews per week - a 50% increase in just the past month. But the potential is still so much more - most people involved in local church ministries haven't yet joined The Network.

Other ideas? What else can we do to get more people connecting on The Network?

Posted in: Network Use

Thanks. I love the idea of having Network users - especially you "Community Builders" - represent The Network at classes! Much more do-able then sending staff, and they'd probably listen to a local person more :-)

We'll be getting to work on updating that video soon. In the meantime, if you do have opportunity to speak to classes about The Network, grab it. Video or not, I've done many presentations where I just took people on a live tour of the stuff I find interesting about The Network (show the various sections, look at the Top 10 list, show some of the cool features, create an account for someone in the audience to show how easy it is).

So if you have an opportunity to do your own personalized tour, go for it! And, even beyond the video, let us know how else we can assist you (e.g. Network mug to give away? something else?).

Great idea, Scott. You'll want to post something in the A/V forum as well, perhaps linking to this post.

If you're interested in doing this virtually (i.e. using a cheap teleconference provider and a screen sharing tool like you could cast the net wider. Not as much fun as meeting in person, but it can work and perhaps get more participation.

Keep us posted. And, once you've got a date/time, let us know if we in the CRC Communications office can help spread the word.

Posted in: Symposium

That would be the first Network meetup (that I know of). Go for it, Henry. I know a couple of the Network guides will be there (Joyce Borger (worship), Jim Dekker (pastors), maybe others). And I'm sure some other Network regulars.

No Network desk, unfortunately. Those of us behind the scenes will be toiling away here at the office getting ready for The Network's one year birthday. We've got some things planned...prizes, design changes. Watch the home page or subscribe to the Network email list for details...

Who else is going to the Symposium?

Tim Postuma on January 27, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Yes, Steve is correct about connecting with David Koll regarding candidacy.

Note that David also hosts the Ministry Associates discussion forum here on The Network where you can connect with others, read previous questions/conversations, and quiz David on all things related to becoming a ministry associate!

Posted in: Network Quiz

Posted in: Network Quiz

Tim Postuma on February 8, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Well, that's such a good response that I'm almost tempted to send you a free mug. ALMOST.

Tell you what, Randy. Two options for getting your very own mug:

  1. Ask someone in your church to do the quiz and steal their answers (call it a "group project"...that sounds better).
  2. Get Neerlandia CRC members to sign up for The Network. If you can increase Neerlandia CRC's member count from 2 (seriously?) to 10 in the next couple of weeks...a mug is yours. You'll look so cool sporting that mug during after-church coffee. Though you may need to take turns with the others who help you win it.

There you go...two options for getting a free Network mug without having to cause someone else to steal for you.

Last time we did something like this, Crossroads CRC got up to 26 members. And they barely get even get the internet where they are.

Is Neerlandia CRC up to the challenge? I guess we'll find out....

We want to hear from you.

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