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Great food for thought. Even if you get married on a different day, it seems the principles here are worth considering in planning the ceremony.

Has anyone been to a Sunday service wedding? I haven't, but would be curious to hear from those who have.

Posted in: The System

Posted in: #Social Media

When the church switched to a 3-person 'preaching team', they forgot to specify that the pastors should alternate weeks.

I like that direction, Bill. And if the family feels called to 'pay it forward' to help other families in a similar situation down the road, they could always voluntarily contribute to the benevolence fund over time. Not to pay back a loan, but out of gratitude to God.

Actually, Peter, that's something we've wondered about as well - giving each church their own "private" discussion area on The Network for their members. We just weren't sure how many churches would want that. It's very do-able, although it would require validation by the church office of who is/isn't a member of the church (currently, users self-report what church they belong to - but if it's private it needs to be stronger than self-reporting). make it easier and almost (?) as good, we could set up a public discussion area for each church. That eliminates all the security/validation workflow and still gives each church their 'own' area, but would require people to use good judgment about what and how they post. I suppose large churches already have this need, since any 'private' discussion area is really 'semi-public' when the church is so large. Giving each church a separate, public area would be pretty easy to do.

Anyway, you've got the wheels turning here. And I'd be very curious to see if any other churches would like this. To assess interest, you might want to post this idea as a separate discussion topic (e.g. in the Church and Web area) to give the idea more visibility and get more people to weigh in on it.

Thanks for your interest in The Network, for spreading the word, and helping make it better!

Thanks, John. Latest posts are found on the home page and each section page. Latest comments are found on each section page (see 'Comments' link above the listing). We may look at adding more of those types of listings when the launch has settled down. Regarding comment formatting, we have scaled that back in an effort to keep things looking as clean and uncluttered as possible (too much formatting can get distracting). But we'll see how it goes, and may consider adding some very simple formatting back.

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