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News, CRCNA and Synod
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Really, a dog came to church with them today!
When the church switched to a 3-person 'preaching team', they forgot to specify that the pastors should alternate weeks.
For those of you in the back pews ... could you wake up and pay attention!
Wow! The view from up here is great!
1 Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
Composure--it's a gift.
Some preachers are just cooler than others.
Never let them see you laugh.
As the vice-president, president, and clerk called Synod 2015 to order, the first act of business was to have mandatory recess every 30 minutes (with the addendum of they having firsties on the swings) and ice cream for dinner--every night.
Oh no! Three junior pastors showed up to preach on the same Sunday. It's a cute-astrophe!
God does have a sense of humor.
The four-year old Sunday school boys decide to do stand-up comedy instead of singing, "Father Abraham" one more time.
Job's three friends?
The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
And a child shall lead them!
From Left to Right:
"I cannot believe it, all that work to hang on the pulpit and the sound tech didn't even get the pulpit microphone working"
"Maybe if we stare it him long enough he will get it working"
"Every time we have a sound problem I just want to cry"
Followers Now Leaders Tomorrow
Wow, Reggie! You're a natural!
Hey Dad!!!
Pastors of the future for 3 churches?
I always thought pastors kept cool stuff back here like the Israelites had in the Ark. All I see is a glass of warm water, kleenexes, and a bunch of old bulletins.
Mom.... Dad.....sit still, you're embarrassing me.
There was some confusion regarding who would deliver the children's message last Sunday...
There are three points in this message.
We're just going to wait a moment until the people in the 'grown up' benches are able to be quiet.
The new trinity.
Followers today leaders tomorrow
AT THE END OF THE SERVICE: "Let's keep our heads bowed. If the Lord has spoken to you, just raise your hand! No one is watching."
The first order of business for this congregational meeting is the after church cookie schedule!
Does anyone have extra church candy?! We ate all of ours!
I can't believe it! My parents are sitting in a different place this morning.
Remember to stay for the potluck after worship today. We are excited to tell you that there will be no brocolli.
The Pastor really does get his own glass of water. It's just not fair!
Love, Joy, and Happiness in (the future of) the CRCNA -- only apparently left-of-center
How soon until these Millennials listen to us?!? They are SO stuck in their ways.
Our Future Pulpiteers!
The future of the CRC is in good hands!
1 John, 2 John, 3 John - oh no, we forgot Jude!
No, we're not the three wise men. I'm Curly, he's Larry, and he's Moe.
Babes in Christ.
Co-chairing the congregational meeting: "Did you really say that!?"
Three Preachsketeers.
Testing 1, 2, 3 Hi Mom!
We're not afraid of the slippery slope!
"Hey dudes, we got this pulpit, and that means we got control of this church!"
Hell, Fire and Brimstone
Shadrach, Mechach, and To-bed-we-go!
Due to the absence of adult volunteers, WE are going to run the VBS program this year!
Stop it, you're killing me! You're saying that there's baseball in the Bible? Yes, in Genesis 1 verse 1 it says "In the big inning..."
C'mon! What does it take to get an Amen around here?!
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