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I don’t think most deacons are equipped to do this. Most of the time deacons and elders are chosen by how successful they are or how popular! I have always thought it would good to have training if you are elected to deacon or elder! 


   Wealth and consumerism for narsisistic reasons is a strong pull away from God. It is unfortunate they we in our fallen nature can rationalize that spending money that will fill the wealthy persons till faster than average working mans seems inefficient and I question where you scripturaly can support your ideas. That being said I to am a hypocrite. Lord forgive me!

Doug I am glad you are such a giving Christian man. But most people don't think like you or incapable of thinking like you. God gave you a gift but don't be mistaken into thinking that God gives the same gifts to everyone. They can still be saved but on different walk. The un Christian people need our relational love not our judgement. I think that is Bibical paraphrase. God is a God of absolutes. None of us measure up or deserve Grace. We have got to get back to the Gospel in the way we think. The Gospel is Christ's fufilllment of the old testement and His self declaration of defining the :"New Covenant". Love God first and your neighbor as your self. That thought has to be governing parameters of our thoughts. Helping a neighborhood is great. Degrading any of God's children is not. Remember we have only God's truthes and rightousness. He does need our help he occasionally asks.

One Person+One vote+$100 maximum political donation per person=Democrscy!  No pacs,unions,or corps could donate!

  Hi Mark,

   Good advice to be preemptive in dealing with holidays. Maybe I could add planning alternate activities especially for the disabled.

    My perspective as a disabled person, holidays can be tough or rewarding depending on planning. Thanks Mark

Ken Libolt on November 25, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Well said.  They are seeking the most available source to fill who they are. It's time to realize kids today are nothing like 50 yrs. ago. If we don't meet them there are multitude of options that many of older generation have no idea. Applying traditional methods is like trying to light a match in a monsoon.

I also think our use of normal and the value of group dynamaic's should be open to discussion. John the Baptist was considered to crazy. God demostrated his glory through some pretty disfuntional people. He also pointed out  the value of the individual in his parables. People who do not have direct experience with illness especially long term illness would be the benifactors of helping these least of these but do not understand the insight  and faith that can be nutured in illness. Profound things happen if you can maintain your hope and total dependence on God and his reprsentatives. A profound understanding  is revealed when you are humbled to point of survival. Don't feel bad because Most sick people have been on both sides of the fence. But learn to use and value them for what they are which is a potential gift from God. Remember the apostiles were the same as those crazy people on street corners to the religious leaders of the time.


 Thanks for honoring us with your painful story. Your correct that they are in the Lords hands now and before. Bag the rule as peace offering to open the door to more dialogue. Then expose your relationship with Jesus to him. I may not work right away, but validate them if they believe in Jesus. What do you have to lose?

  I have first hand experience and I truly believe that from what you have told us he struggles with the apparent hypocricy of the church He doesn't undetrstand that we are all depravaed and rely on Grace.. Believe in your prayers because I feel your pain and I believe God is right there with your children. I believe God hears you. Enjoy the peace that comes with losing your control to hope and faith in Jesus.


Ken Libolt on May 15, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Liberals like to worship God for extended time also Bev. Some of the best Christain teachers at LCS are liberal also. My daughter is one those talented kids for Christ who is a leader in her school. Lets leave the politic;s out of our judgements before this divide becomes greater.

 Lets look at this issue through the eyes of the minorities and any other group that lack the means to change this dynamic of struggle between groups. That is the most loving way to address these issue's. What do you think they would like implemented  the context of the Gospel"s teaching? Why are we so concerned with how this affects us when the Scripture is christal clear from old to new testament about a perfect creation we are to strive fof?  Where is our humility? 

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