George McGuire
I am a retired CRC minister living in Springville, AL. My last calling church was Austinville CRC in Austinville, IA where my membership remains. After retiring in April, 2008 I was called to be the interim pastor for the Redeemer PCA congregation in Florence, AL. for one year. Then in December of 2010 the First Presbyterian Church of Russellville, AL called me to be their interim pastor, the call I now serve. . I am a graduate of Bob Jones Uni.(,67) and their Graduate School of Religion (,70) and Reformed Seminary (,72). Prior to joining the CRC in 1996 I was involved in the independent presbyterian movement beginning in 1967 and then joined the PCA when it began in 1973 serving several of thier churches across the Southeast. My ministry passion is the encouragement of small and rural congregations and their pastors and leaders. In an effort to fulfill this passion, I have for the last ten years or so conducted small church seninars and done some writing on the subject of what the small church if facing in our present day situations. My wife Myra and I have been married for 46 years and we have three daughters, two of whom are graduates of Calvin College. We are also the proud grandparents of six grandchildren.