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I love the idea of sharing an object or item that symbolizes courage to us. Thanks for posting this recap. 

Thanks to all who posted a comment or ministry question during the month of February. We are so thankful for your participation in this community. In case you missed it, the winners were chosen using and announced in our weekly email. Congratulations to Melissa Deelstra and Evelyn Oudyk!

Beautiful post, beautiful vision. May we have the courage to pursue this in our lives, in our communities. Thanks for asking the questions. 

Sonja, this is powerful. I just finished reading a book on the holocaust which included stories of Christians so fixated on following Christ that they willingly risked their lives to follow God and love their neighbor. The book compelled me to ask some to some of the very questions you are asking: Do I truly have my sights set on things above, not earthly things? Do I truly live for Christ? Do I truly believe that Jesus can and will change the lives of the broken?

Thank you for sharing! Keep your eyes on the mark and I have no doubt God will use you in countless ways. 

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