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Thank you for sharing this recap! Loved getting a peak inside the event and found the idea of TEDx-style stories really neat. 

Thank you for this, Corey. This time of solitude might be one of the most life-giving things we can do, but I find it's the first thing I let go. 

I was challenged this past year by watching my children's daycare provider, Diane, each morning at drop off. Most mornings I'd find her sitting in the same chair with her Bible open. Worth noting, drop off is early in the morning and she was getting ready for a day of being needed by many little kids. She easily could have found other tasks more important, i.e. cleaning, emailing, etc. and yet I saw her prioritize time with God and time in silence. It was powerful for me, much like this blog. Thanks again! 


"Process is good, but it is a sin to elevate it above dealing honestly with one another, and God's Word."

I find this to be a powerful reminder! Thanks for sharing. 

YES and amen! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. Nice to meet you through this blog, Sarah Joy! You truly are a joy.

PS I also love marine biology though science was never my strong suit. Keep your dreams alive! 

A question came up on this topic and I was curious if you might know. The question from Ashley is as follows: So the only way to add any captions is to send it to someone to do? There isn't a software that has this capability?

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