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Great post, David! How often I am scared to step into a leadership position out of a fear of being the 'lone ranger'. Great reminder that even the earliest disciples needed to be equipped by the Holy Spirit to train other disciples. Thanks for sharing!

Posted in: Beyond Words

Getting a package is such a tangible way to feel loved! I think it's really cool that churches are finding such unique ways to stay connected to college kids. I'm also going to check out SoulFeed; sounds like a really neat idea. 

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing this, Libby! This article about the church allowing kids to use social media was really interesting. I especially liked this line: Today’s youth are online – this is where they form relationships, tell their stories and live a significant portion of their lives, including their faith lives. It's a great idea to meet youth where they already are! 

Posted in: Come, Just Come

Thanks for sharing this, Robin! This is how the body of Christ should work. Out of God's extravagant and grace-filled love for us, we learn how to love others. Powerful reminder. 

Thank you so much for sharing! I love your honesty. It is amazing how God dramatically reverses so many of our preconceived notions of people. Thanks again for this. 

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