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Hi Randy: 

It looks like the links to this audio and Q&A have been taken down from the site on which they were hosted. I'm not sure if the Calvin College philosophy dept. might have information on whether these audio files are held someplace else. 


This is SO good and rings true in my life. "Research has long demonstrated that people are more likely to engage in important conversations when they know that you care about them..."

The Earth is the Lord's and everything in it! May we be good stewards of the gifts God has provided. I'm so thankful for the churches seeking to love their neighbors by caring for the earth and seeking to live more sustainably.  

Hi Jerianne, 

Thank you so much for this! These are very helpful suggestions. I like the idea to also include a prayer loft in the attic of the library. Also, having monthly stewards! Did you get your free library through the website? Or did someone build it?


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