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Thank you Chris for sharing your vision, goals and practices. I find this helpful for what we are doing. We are at an earlier but similar place in restructuring elder/deacon districts. It is our goal also to move to a new place of being church for one another. Community, every member caring for the body, is a model we are intentionally following based on I Corinthians 12 (Church=the BODY of Christ).

Jim Poelman

Redeemer CRC, Sarnia On

Once upon a time, I believe Louis Tamminga wrote an article on creating a team to care for the inactive members. Is there anyone else who knows of what I am talking about? Can you help me find this article?  Thanks  [email protected]

For this year I chose I Peter 1:15/16 "holy", a word that has not only been removed from the secular word bank (other than the occasional 'holy cow', 'holy smoke') but also limited to defining God by the Christian community. None-the-less, it is presented by the Apostle Peter as front and center in defining the church, its members and how we are to live in "all" things.

Jim Poelman

I second your encouragement to have a listen to One Sentence Sermon. There is much to learn here on how NOT to do “church” signs as well as how to do it BETTER. 


Thanks for catching this. 

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