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God meets us in the sacraments,
communicating grace to us
by means of this bread and wine, we remember:
God, you are making all things new

Here, Christ offers
his own crucified body and shed blood
to his people,
assuring them a share
in his death and resurrection.
God, you are making all things new

By the Holy Spirit, he feeds us
with his resurrection life
and binds us to each other
as we share one loaf and cup.
God, you are making all things new

We receive this food gladly,
believing, as we eat,
that Jesus is our life-giving food and drink
and that he will come again
to call us to the wedding feast of the Lamb, as we remember:
God, you are making all things new


The body of Christ, given for you.
The blood of Christ, shed for you.

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