THIS is CRC Worship! Worship Ministries is thrilled to bless you with this reminder of our unity in Jesus Christ through our worship. In all the beautiful and diverse ways our congregations worship each week, we share one Lord and one faith. May you be strengthened and renewed in your mission to participate in God's church. We encourage churches to show the video and include the following prayer in their worship services in the coming weeks. Together let's join our voices in unity as we worship and pray. #ThisIsCRCWorship
Triune God,
You call us to be the family of God. As brothers and sisters in Christ we share one faith. We worship one God and are filled with one Spirit. We are baptized with one baptism. We eat of one bread and drink of one cup. We confess one name, are obedient to one Lord and we share one hope. All this to the praise of you—our one God—for you are over all, through all, and in all.
We pray for your church, which you dearly love. We marvel at the beautiful diversity that reflects John’s vision in Revelation of every tribe, tongue and nation gathered around the throne. When we worship, we get a glimpse of that space where heaven and earth meet for a moment and we, your children, are united in Christ, together joining our voices with all the heavenly realm to worship. Thank you for graciously gathering us and inviting us to participate in spirit and in truth. Draw us together once again and unite our voices in praise of you, our one true King.
We pray all these things to God the Creator, through Jesus Christ the author and perfector of our faith, in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Optional Sung Prayer: Spirit of the Living God (LUYH#749)
General Worship, Women in Leadership
General Worship, Pastors
General Worship
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