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How Are Churches Encouraging “Participation” of the Body at This Time?

Lately I've wondered if I'm only "consuming" church. Unable to volunteer in children's ministry and not yet meeting in person, I feel disconnected from the life of the church.
How is your church finding ways to encourage active participation in the life of the church at this time?
Faith Nurture, Faith Practices
Faith Practices, Global Mission
Faith Practices, Faith Nurture
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One of the ways that we involved folks when we were entirely online was to invite them to help lead worship with a video: a call to worship, a scripture reading, words of assurance. They created the video, sent it to us, and we played it as a part of the online worship.
Another idea was to have the kids of the church help to illustrate lyrics for a new song we were teaching. Each grade level took one phrase of the chorus of "Waymaker" and wrote those words with a picture.
On our FB page, we initially tried to interview a person or family each week... just to stay connected. That was not as much a part of worship as it was congregational life.
Another key to involvement in worship is the use of the comment section on our FB page. As the service proceeds, members greet one another, and then also respond to the worship with comments... and support each other with prayers based on the comments. As worship leader, in those days I always watched/worshipped the service again, because I wanted to experience the community that was going on while we were leading worship, alone in body.
Since that time, we have begun outdoor worship, and we are able to have readers, testimonies, etc. in person. Also, as the congregation (in lawn chairs, spaced out under the shade trees) worships, the camera will move to include them, so that those at home can see their sisters and brothers worshiping.
Just a few ideas! Praying that the Spirit continues to guide and prompt us!
I love the idea of congregants creating a video of Scripture reading, a call to worship, etc. and then that being included in worship. And what a creative way to involve the kids. The comment section is also a great idea. So many great takeaways. Thanks Carol!
Early in April, many of us were isolated at home. The idea of making a quilted church banner came to mind. A pattern was adapted from Wendy Russell entitled "A Dozen Quilt Blocks from the Bible". with individual bible blocks was selected and an online fabric order was placed at our local quilt shop, Abby Mae's. One selected material was to be used in each block to tie the banners together. One bulletin announcement was made and 10 people signed up. Each block's material was cut separately, numbered and placed with that block's directions in a plastic bag and delivered to each person. It was a joy to visit outside, several feet away with each person we hadn't seen in so long! When each block was completed, we again visited outside. It was such a joy to see each block completed. Since the pattern was for different blocks and differing sizes, no one really knew how the banner would be put together. With help from the quilt shop, I was able to make the blocks the same size and finish not one, but two bible quilt banners! Each block had a bible name and so I found a bible verse to go with the name and embroidered them on. They turned out, bright and beautiful in a time of uncertainty and isolation.
What a beautiful idea! And I love how it helped people stay connected during such an isolating time. Do you by chance have a picture of the quilt banners?
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