Sunday School During COVID?
We currently are offering a live stream Sunday school program and are looking at options for possibly beginning a modified, in-person Sunday school program. I am curious to know what other churches are doing at this time, to get ideas and to see if it is feasible to offer Sunday school.
Kristin K.
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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We were offering in person Children's Worship. It is a lot of work. But maybe you could adapt some of this to Sunday School.
The separated by 6 feet is difficult for kids. So for three and four year olds I pulled in all the short tables and set each two tables in the room like an upside down "V" The point of the "V" shape is toward the teacher. The kids sit at the beginning and end of the "V". THe teacher can still build relationships with the kids but is also 6 feet away. Note: I have three "v" shaped sets of tables.
For Kindergarten, First and Second grade. I purchased Hula Hoops to keep the kids away from each other and the teacher. They actually kind of like having their space defined. The kids also moved into a larger room that adults usually use and that is a treat.
For 3rd and 4th grade, we use towels to keep the kids apart. The kids lay their towel on the floor and work of that space. At the end of their time together, the towels are rolled up.
In all classrooms we have a plastic box for each child with their name on it. It contains the art tools they can use... colors or markers. scissors, pen, a tea light, glue stick, and anything else they will need that day. For 3rd and 4th grade the box includes their towel.
I think Dwell Flex would work well with this set up as well. I hope that helps.
Thanks for sharing your ideas. I will pass them on to our team.
Hi Kristin,
There are some churches doing in person Sunday School with DWELL or DWELL Flex. If you'd like to connect with them, you could consider joining our DWELL Leaders Facebook group and asking this same question there.
If you're looking for curriculum to use, DWELL Flex is nice because if you end up going back to virtual you can continue using the same curriculum. It's designed to adapt to church, virtual or home learning. And it's free for CRC churches through DWELL Digital. You can find out more details about Flex on the DWELL website:
Thanks for your response, I will pass it on to our team
What has been successful is pre-recorded Sunday school messages at my church. It has been so successful that we may not go back to the old way of doing things. Many families have gotten involved and have taken off with adding their personal flavour/props/family members to add to the already predetermined weekly message that is following a curriculum. A recent message used a green screen:
I think the success of it is: many families have gotten involved, each has made effort and added their "flavour", and our Sunday School leader is willing to edit. It's a learning process. It can be funny at times.
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