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Is your church in the middle of a sermon series or starting a new one? If so, what is the topic?

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We did a series from Jan-May at Horizon on Spiritual Rhythms where I taught on each rhythm (prayer, scripture reading for transformation, silence & solitude, community, self-examination, Sabbath, and discernment) for two weeks each.  After the teaching each week, we would break up into small groups at our tables (we're a church in a strip mall and have the ability to be flexible in our set-up on Sunday) to have conversation and pray together.  It also included a suggestion "To Practice" that Spiritual Rhythm in the week ahead.

It was received well and very much appreciated from those who are newer Christians to those who are maturing.

SummerSongs - The Psalms, The Psalm for each week has been suggested from our members.

Psalm 8, 13/77, 22, 23/27, 42/43/84, 48/91, 139, 150


Getting ready for ...

Hot Topics for a Hot Month

(the four August Sundays)

Congregational members were given a survey in which they were asked to pick their top 4 from a list of 10 hot topics.

They picked:

1. Environment

2. Race

3. Abortion


Anybody who has some help for me for any of these, please reach out!

Just finished a series called "Habits: 5 Essential Rhythms of a Healthy Jesus Follower" - based on Acts 2:42-47 

They were - Gather, Grow Spiritually, Give Generously, Serve Faithfully, Hospitable Fellowship.


This weekend we are starting a 4 week series through Philippians called "Mindset" facing down problematic mindsets and embracing preferable ones.. (People in Process, Humilty, Where Worth Comes From, Focus)

I'm engaged in a summer series on the 10 Commandments, referencing the Heidelberg Catechism, looking at how Jesus has fulfilled each commandment, and exploring how each commandment reveals God's will for our life in Christ. I have completed the first three commandments and have had some very good conversations arising out of the  Bible readings and brief meditations I email to the congregation each weekday as well as after preaching the sermons. I anticipate the second table of the law will likewise be challenging and rewarding.

We are exploring the book of Jeremiah. We are looking at it from the lens of walking a season where we hold in tension the call to "uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." 

We're in a sermon series using the book "The Story." It's meant to be a journey through the Bible from start to finish over the course of many weeks.

We are almost finished a 4-week series on the book of Esther, looking at themes of the invisible God, reversals, and God using eveil for good.   In the fall we will be doing a series on "learning to live/love together despite differences"... still working on a title.  

"Treasures of a Transformed Life" - We're doing a study of some traditional Christian Virtues: gratitude, forgiveness, humility, hope, grace, wisdom, faith, courage, hospitality.  These virtues come from a heart that's been transformed by Jesus and shape our lives to be authentically, and compellingly, Christian.  There are a number of good books that discuss how these virtues have a powerful positive impact on our lives, and others. "The Science of Virtue" (Mark McMinn, Brazos Press) includes the results of a wealth of clinical research that demonstrates how current psych research is proving the practical value of virtue, makes for interesting leads into the sermon application. 

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