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What evangelism training tools do you use to equip your CRC church to go out and share the gospel? I have been using the One Verse Evangelism and the Bridge Illustration from the Navigators (  ) and the tools/tracts from the Way of the Master (  ) ministry. I also am a trainer with the Sonlife ministry and teach their Growing Health Church seminars and Great Commission/Great Commandment seminars. Please check out my web page ( ) to see some of the tools we use to equip our disciples to become  "fishers of men. " (Matthew 4:17)      )   )) I also


 I don't understand what you mean by "it appears that you endorse the christian industry as every thing has a price...How due you reconcile the difference in motivation to further God's kingdom between the two?." My question was how do you equip your church to share the gospel of Christ with others? We are involved with a Celebrate Recovery ministry with early release prisoners in our county. We have seen several people make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ through this ministry. I am also seeking to inspire and equip my church to share the gospel of Christ with their extended family, neighbors, co-workers and those outside the Body of Christ. I am new to the CRC and not familiar with how other churches equip their church to share the gospel with others. What are you doing in this area? Please check my web page on this ministry at

St. Francis said, "

“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”

I believe that he was implying that we should show people first who Jesus is and then tell them who He is.To do this we need to establsih reciiprocal friendships with people in the community around the church as well as the niehbours where we live. Is anyone doing anything that is impacting their community?

Reg - tomorrow our church is hosting a bicycle rodeo for the neighbourhood children. The children are looking forward to this each year and the parents appreciate it as the training in bike safety is important and bicycle repairs are costly. We offer all this free of charge along with a bbq, facepainting and balloons. Just a little way to say that their neighbourhood church cares for them. (and they do notice)!

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