Breaking Barriers Fall 2022: Acquired Disabilities

This article is part of our Fall 2022 issue of Breaking Barriers. This installment focuses acquired disability. Most people with disabilities were not born with their disability, but acquired it through stroke, accident, illness, aging, etc. In this issue, people describe how their acquired disability has affected them, what they’ve lost, and what they’ve gained. If you'd like to read more stories from this issue, please subscribe to Breaking Barriers.
Coming to terms with one’s disability presents unique challenges for disabilities that are acquired. Although hearing loss—often brought on by advanced age—is among the most common acquired disabilities, it remains a uniquely challenging adjustment. How can the body of Christ support people with hearing loss?
Jenna has noticed that people’s perspective of her and ways of interacting with her have changed as her physical abilities have changed. She also knows God’s love for her is complete and does not shift or change. This challenges Jenna to share God’s unwavering love with others.
Notes of Praise Following a Stroke
When Rae, a professional musician, had a major stroke, the thought of playing music again seemed like an impossible dream. But thanks to a remarkable support network, her dreams of playing music again eventually became a reality.
My Journey from Loss to Praise
When Megan was involved in a terrible accident, she lost much of the life she had built for herself. The emotional toll was significant. But in her dark hours, God’s love became a beacon of hope, and that love remains vibrant today.
Veronica is an advocate for people living with hearing loss. She educates others about what is lost and what can improve hearing, and that includes how hearing-loop technology can support one’s ability to hear well.
Next theme—”Too Disabled”
Many people with disabilities have gotten the message from others that their disability is too limiting, making them unfit or incapable to do something—even before getting the opportunity to prove otherwise. If you’ve ever been told or gotten the impression you were considered “too disabled” for a task, role, or job you wanted to take on, and knew you possessed the needed qualifications, please tell us your story (up to 400 words) by December 1, 2022.
New Format for Breaking Barriers
To keep up with changes in how people receive and share stories, along with changes underway for CRCNA and RCA Disability Concerns staff, we’re moving exclusively to an electronic newsletter.
We acknowledge that this exclusively digital format may feel like a loss for the print edition of Breaking Barriers that has been mailed to CRCNA churches for decades and to RCA churches since 2010. Our hope is that this shift will help the RCA and CRCNA Disability Concerns to remain vibrant for years to come as we provide a forum for people with disabilities to tell their stories.
You’ll be hearing more about the new format in the near future. If you’re not already subscribed to the electronic version of Breaking Barriers, please take a few seconds to do so here or by going to or
...Korean translation coming soon
Faith Nurture, Disability Concerns
General Planning Resources, Disability Concerns
Disability Concerns
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