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The Board of Trustees meets three times per year to implement matters assigned by synod and carry out interim functions on behalf of synod (read more). "BOT Highlights" are published following each meeting and distributed to churches by way of the stated clerk of classis. Here's the latest issue.

Burlington, Ontario – The Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Christian Reformed Church in North America met on Feb. 23 and 24, 2012 at the Holiday Inn, in Burlington, Ontario.
During this meeting the Board:

  1. Interviewed Dr. Michael K. Le Roy for the position of president of Calvin College and then unanimously endorsed the recommendation of the board of Calvin College that, Dr. Le Roy be appointed as president, subject to ratification by Synod 2012 (see news story).
  2. Discussed at length and eventually tabled until the May 2012 Board meeting a decision about whether to endorse a proposal by the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) to change its name to World Renew (see news story). A delegation of CRWRC board and staff members told the Board of Trustees that CRWRC’s name no longer accurately reflects much of the work that it does or its many partnerships outside the Christian Reformed Church. They said the new name would enable CRWRC to expand its mission by engaging more effectively with a broader range of people.
  3. Adopted recommendations formalizing a number of areas in the relationship between the denomination and CRWRC. These included recognizing the 14-member Joint Ministry Council as CRWRC’s governance entity and recommending that synod approve CRWRC’s request to submit single nominees for at-large positions on its board.
  4. Heard an update on the task force that is reviewing denominational structure and culture. The task force plans to meet in March to finalize its report and recommendations to Synod 2012. However, it was noted that it will not be possible for the task force to report on everything that needs to be done in time for Synod.
  5. Received a report from the Judicial Code Committee following hearings on matters involving Classis Quinte and Maranatha CRC in Belleville, Ontario, and referred its recommendations to Synod 2012.
  6. Recommended that synod accept the invitation of Roosevelt Park CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich., as the convening church of Synod 2013, to be held on the campus of Calvin College.
  7. Also recommended that synod accept an invitation from the Reformed Church in America (RCA) to hold simultaneous meetings of Synod 2014 and the General Synod of the RCA on the campus of Central College in Pella, Iowa, subject to a favorable site evaluation and cost analysis.
  8. Heard that while there has been a decrease in the number of women serving on denominational boards in the past year, the ethnic diversity of the boards is increasing. Of 204 members serving on eight denominational boards, 55 are women and 30 are persons of color. This is a decrease of three women and an increase of six persons of color over the previous year.
  9. Heard a report from the Office of Pastor-Church Relations, highlighting its ongoing work with CRC pastors and churches as well as initiatives in the areas of education and congregational staff ministry.
  10. Approved the reconfiguration of the Ministries Leadership Team as the Ministries Leadership Council, with an expanded membership of denominational ministry leaders and a broader mandate “to advance the vision, mission, values, and strategic objectives of the Ministry Plan that governs the agencies, educational institutions and various ministries of the Christian Reformed Church.”
  11. Received and endorsed a number of recommendations regarding The Network. Under these recommendations, The Network will no longer continue as a separate entity and its various programs will be assigned to other existing structures in a way that eliminates duplication and enhances collaboration.
  12. Appointed ethnic advisers and young adult representatives to serve at Synod 2012.
  13. Recommended that Synod 2012 reappoint Mr. Mark Charles, Mr. Bruce Dykstra, Ms. Joan Flikkema, Rev. Dale Melenberg and Rev. Trevor Vanderveen to a second three-year term on the Board of Trustees.
  14. Received with regret the resignations of Mr. John Te Brake and Mrs. Irene Bakker from the Board. Both are resigning for health reasons.
  15. Next meetings:

May 3-4, 2012 - Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sept. 27-29, 2012 - simultaneous board meetings in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Feb. 21-22, 2013 - Burlington, Ontario
May 2-3, 2013 - Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sept. 26-28, 2013 - simultaneous board meetings in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Feb. 27-28, 2014 – Burlington, Ontario
May 1-2, 2014 – Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sept. 25-27, 2014 - simultaneous board meetings in Grand Rapids, Michigan

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