Our Journey 2020 (Final Report)
From 2016 to 2020, the Christian Reformed Church was on a journey together. CRC members and leaders across Canada and the United States had expressed the challenges their churches were facing. These challenges framed the goals, or desired futures, of Our Journey 2020 (a denomination-wide ministry plan).
The desired futures showed us where we needed to go. But how to get there—and where to go first—was different for each congregation. CRCNA ministries supported congregations by providing resources, staffing and support.
The attached report provides a summary of activities that took place over this four-year period. It highlights some of the successes we witnessed and outlines a few of the key learnings that we can now apply to Our Journey 2025.
Faith Practices, CRCNA and Synod
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
CRCNA and Synod
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