Re-envision Synod Through the Lens of Prayer

Synod meetings are formatted for the purpose of getting business done. They follow Robert’s Rules of Order, the format that causes eloquent extroverts to shine and almost every other personality to melt into intimidated non-participation. Very few of us relish the pressure of the spotlight, or can think well enough on our feet to produce a convincing argument just at the right moment when the chair calls upon us or when our names come up in the queue. For those reasons, the synod floor wouldn’t be our venue of choice for vulnerable conversation, prayerful reflection, and attentive listening.
In addition, as we envision Synod 2022, we may begin to also factor into the equation two years worth of pent up disconnection, frustration, and pandemic fatigue, the high-anxiety topic of human sexuality and over 50 submitted overtures. Delegates are bracing themselves for this event even now, preparing their speeches with great care ahead of time, knowing that any word they say on the floor could be highly scrutinized by other delegates or even quoted in The Banner and beyond.
It’s hard to imagine all this high-pressure pontification leading to productive decisions, no less the kind of godly wisdom that’s described in the book of James as “pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17). Will God be able to rally this bunch of on-edge individuals into conversations that promote a deeper understanding of his will for the Christian Reformed Church? Even for me, a pathological optimist, it seems unlikely.
So as I wrestle with this in prayer each day, I try to stop thinking about what is likely, or even what’s humanly possible, and instead, lean into my faith in the power and sovereignty of God. I remind myself that it is “he who works in us to will and to do according to his good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13) and that the Master Builder who promises to build all these living stones into a spiritual and holy temple (1 Peter 2:5) has been at this work for a very long time and knows exactly what He’s doing.
I remember his ability to move the hardened hearts of his people to repentance from their sinful alliances and behaviors. More than once, against overwhelming odds, he brought his people out of slavery into freedom; or out of exiled confusion into organized community. And after the event of his people’s greatest perceived defeat, Jesus’ death on the cross, God poured his Spirit out upon his people causing gifts to flow, divisions to cease, and mission to advance through the powerful Word of God. And he promises to pour out his Spirit on all flesh in these last days as well (Acts 2:17).
It’s through clinging to these promises that I pray:
Come, Lord Jesus! Come move upon the Christian Reformed Church in such a way that brings us to our knees before You. Humble us to submit our own opinions to the authority of Your Word and listen to You reverently and intently. Help us to let down our guard and lay down the weapons of worldly warfare, resting fully in Your safe protection, oh Mighty Deliverer and Great Defender. Speak peace to the fears that underlie the whole spectrum of our hostilities—fears of losing family members and friends, our witness of the Gospel, our foundations of truth, our communities of faith. Fill us with holy trust and hopeful expectation. Lift our eyes to envision Your Kingdom coming into ours. Oh God of miracles, perform a miracle upon our hearts for the glory of Your Name.
Church Renewal, CRCNA and Synod
Prayer, CRCNA and Synod
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
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"Humble us to submit our own opinions to the authority of Your Word and listen to You reverently and intently."
The Synod process has some downsides and, like any alternative option, is made up entirely of sinful people. But it's the God-ordained method of church organization and deliberation.
God will use our imperfect attempts as He directs our church.
Thank you for your prayer.
I my heart of hearts I wish that the CRC in this late stage of her decreasing in members, lack of new converts, could resort to a "simple" procedure: The next 10 years (or whatever # is set) the CRC is going to urge all congregations to do two things. 1. Education our children and youth in her biblical doctrines, and 2. Actively engage the congregation in outreach to her local community.
Then let's "forget" all the political posturing, cultural engaging that is consuming the passions of so many members and churches.
Back to the basics for the sake of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus.
To use an analogy: It seems to me that the CRC is facing a bottom of the ninth inning and we are trailing 4-7 with 2 outs.
well said, clearly stated
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