Validating voting members at Synod
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How are participants (voting members) of synod validated? Does someone make sure they have signed the form of subscription? And if not (and I understand from an overutre that some members of the CRC are not willing to sign this form) what other procedure is used? Just curious.
Faith Practices, CRCNA and Synod
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
CRCNA and Synod
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Voting delegates come to synod with credentials signed by the classis they represent. As an opening ceremony, synod uses a "Public Declaration" and delegates rise to express their agreement with the Reformed confessions. This public declaration is currently under review with a possible modern version in the works. In addition, these delegates must be officebearers and they have been obliged to sign the Form of Subscripton, now known as the Covenant for Officebearers, in the church they serve as ministers or elders.
Hope this helps.
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