Below we have the most recent Form of Subscription, along with some supplemental material found in the church order. For more discussion on the signing of this form read the Form of Subscription Revision Committee Report. While Synod did not approve that report because it seemed to weaken the bonds of faith between us, it does demonstrate the struggles we have had in understanding the value and importance of this form. Synod continues to seek a way to make this form more effective in binding us together in the unity of faith.
In the meantime, here it is.
Form of Subscription
We, the undersigned, servants of the divine Word in the Christian Reformed Church in Classis, by means of our signatures declare truthfully and in good conscience before the Lord that we sincerely believe that all the articles and points of doctrine set forth in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort fully agree with the Word of God.
We promise therefore to teach these doctrines diligently, to defend them faithfully, and not to contradict them, publicly or privately, directly or indirectly, in our preaching, teaching, or writing.
We pledge moreover not only to reject all errors that conflict with these doctrines but also to refute them, and to do everything we can to keep the church free from them.
We promise further that if in the future we come to have any difficulty with these doctrines or reach views differing from them, we will not propose, defend, preach, or teach such views, either publicly or privately, until we have first disclosed them to the council, classis, or synod for examination.
We are prepared moreover to submit to the judgment of the council, classis, or synod, realizing that the consequence of refusal to do so is suspension from office.
We promise in addition that if, to maintain unity and purity in doctrine, the council, classis, or synod considers it proper at any time — on sufficient grounds of concern — to require a fuller explanation of our views concerning any article in the three confessions mentioned above, we are always willing and ready to comply with such a request, realizing here also that the consequence of refusal to do so is suspension from office. Should we consider ourselves wronged, however, by the judgment of the council or classis, we reserve for ourselves the right of appeal; but until a decision is made on such an appeal, we will acquiesce in the determination and judgment already made.
To be signed by professors, ministers, ministry associates, elders, and deacons when ordained and/or installed in office.
(Acts of Synod 1988, pp. 530-31)
Guidelines as to the meaning of subscription to the confessions by means of the Form of Subscription:
However, no one is free to decide for one’s self or for the church what is and what is not a doctrine confessed in the standards. In the event that such a question should arise, the decision of the assemblies of the church shall be sought and acquiesced in.
Guidelines and Regulations re Gravamina
Synod declares that gravamina fall into at least two basic types:
Regulations concerning the procedure to be followed in the submission of a confessional-difficulty gravamen:
Regulations concerning the procedure to be followed in the submission of a confessional-revision gravamen:
a. The history of the functioning of the Form of Subscription shows that if such guidelines and regulations had been available and followed, considerable delay and confusion might have been avoided.
b. These guidelines and regulations will make the signing of the Form of Subscription more meaningful and will remove some common misunderstandings that now exist on the part of many officebearers.
c. These guidelines and regulations will prove helpful to council, classis, and synod in dealing with matters submitted to them for examination in accordance with the Form of Subscription.
(Acts of Synod 1976, pp. 68-70)
Elders, CRCNA and Synod
Elders, Preaching
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