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I was just wondering what the church order states about who is eligible to serve communion? My understanding was that the elders were "overseers", but as for the actual distribution of the elements-well that was open to all. The "overseers" are there to ensure the celebration is done in a Biblical and meaningful way. The congregation is responsible for preparing their hearts and minds. Mostly I have witnessed the Elders doing the distributing, but this part could be open to those who would like to be involved or not? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Deacons, Elders
Elders, CRCNA and Synod
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Marvin, our church practices what you describe. The elders oversee communion, and they ask various congregation members to serve. It's a small but beautiful way to celebrate the diversity of the body of Christ with people from many age groups, with or without disabilities, both genders, and people from various countries all serving over time.
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