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The fall season is upon us and some of our readers will serve as Elders. You will have thought about the task ahead, perhaps with some trepidation. Below is a list of some hints for Elders by way of well-meant advice. I hope that it helps!

The list will not be complete. Let it be an invitation to our readers to add a few of their own for all of us to learn more: 

  1. Spiritual self-care cannot be overestimated.
  2. Cultivate Christ-likeness as a serving person.
  3. Study what the office of Elder is all about.
  4. Propose to the Consistory that teachings be held for pastoral visiting. Methods and ways of doing a pastoral visit are especially important.
  5. Try to get to know the members of the congregation, especially the members of your district. (That includes children and young people).
  6. A good administrative system will prove useful. (You may consider having a fact-sheet for each member).
  7. Keep the members of your district informed about news and needs of your district.
  8. Plan the annual visits to the members of your district early in the season.
  9. Familiarize yourself with the needs of the sick, the elderly, and others with special needs.
  10. Arrange for helpful cooperation with the deacon who is assigned with you to your district.
  11. Remember that your marriage and family take precedence over other activities.
  12. People should never doubt that personal information is safe with you.
  13. Don't discuss members with members (unless it is pastorally and professionally necessary).
  14. The pastoral needs of the pastor(s) are important.
  15. Consider having a log book that you keep up-to-date.
  16. Are you and the other office bearers aware of possible drug addiction in the congregation?

What hints would YOU add to this list? 


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