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When thinking back of your last Council meeting, could you say, “Yes, that was a pretty good meeting.”? If so, most of the following observations were probably true...

  • You had prepared yourself for the meeting, you had read the agenda and reports that may have been given out before the meeting. And you prayed that the meeting be blessed.
  • The meeting was well prepared by the executive (or another designated party). They had drafted a well thought-out agenda for the meeting. They had made sure that decisions of the previous meeting were acted upon properly. They had considered whether new proposals were properly before council. They had made sure that committees and boards had submitted necessary reports. 
  • The members of your Council related harmoniously. They showed mutual respect and, generally, cooperated in their work. Where needed they communicated among each other about matters of mutual interest. (When Council members are divided about substantial matters or bear grudges, meetings will not go well. Such unfortunate realities need to be faced and hopefully resolved before a Council can hope to serve well.)
  • The meeting was chaired by an office-bearer who was gifted for that kind of responsibility (not necessarily the pastor).  He or she graciously but firmly reminded speakers to stay with the matter at hand, talk reasonably brief and not repeat  good arguments a third time.
  • Prayer was an important ingredient of the meeting. Before important decisions were taken, a Council member offered a short prayer asking the Lord for wisdom and for blessings on whatever was decided.
  • Last but not least, the leadership of your Council was not afraid to hold office-bearers responsible to do their duties well and in a timely manner.
  • The meeting closed in time.

As you think back of the meeting, you have every reason to thank the Lord for your Congregation, the Council and your place as an office-bearer. 


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