Just out of curiosity ... any pastors out there wear a bow tie instead of a regular tie when preaching? Getting tired of feeling like DrewCareyy or Michael Douglas from the movie Falling Down when I wear a short sleeve shirt during the summer. Figured I'd try a bow tie ... though I might wind up looking like Less Nessman from WKRP in Cincinati. Thoughts?
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Hey Josh, if it looks good on you, go for it. I wouldn't look good in a bowtie but some guys do.
Ha! I'm guessing you saw my post blog post "bow ties are cool" I wore it Sunday night just to see what reaction I got. People shook my hand, looked at my shirt, saw no regular tie, then looked up, saw a bow tie and then kept walking. Some smiled some looked perplexed. Might try it again Sunday PM again. Just something different.
Any other thoughts out there?
Did you have a specific blog post titled "bow ties are cool"? If so share the link, I'd like to read it.
Last time I tried posting the link they said that it was considered spam. So I'll try it again. Click here.
Nice blog post, I definitely agree with your suggestion about a nap would do wonders when you’re frustrated. In regards to the reactions, you got Sunday night when you wore a bow tie:
I think you should do a social experiment to judge the reactions between regular tie, bow tie, or dare I say no tie. It could turn into another blog.
- Jonathan
I might just have to do that. Wish there were more Dr. Who fans out there who'd get why I thought of it in the first place.
Week 2 with the bow tie. People noticed. I received remarks such as "cute" "Something different" "It looks good." "you tied that yourself?" Some from church read my blog post and so were looking for the bow tie this time around. Some didn't even realize I was wearing a bow tie.
Debating if I should switch to a regular tie next Sunday PM and see if others notice and what remarks might come.
It is different to wear a bow tie though my wife still says the look dorky. I like what Dr. Who says 'Bow ties are cool."
My pastor never wears a tie, unless he knows he's going to have his picture taken for The Banner. :)
Then again, shorts and flip flops are pretty common attire for worshippers at our California church, so he fits right in.
Shorts and flip flops sound nice to preach in. Though for now, I'd even settle for kahkis and a polo. For some reason though, bow ties just seem kinda fun and I do enjoy being able to have it be a secret reference to the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who.
Comforting to read that some guy pastors think about their wardrobe as much as we women pastors have to . . . are these earrings too long? can I wear open toe shoes for preaching? how about the pink suit?!
As noted elsewhere . . .geeky is IN!! Long live the bow tie.
I must admit, I've never thought about wearing a pink suit. I have a very nice lavendar shirt and tie combo I wore for easter :)
I do agree, geeky is in. Just wish there were more who caught the homage to the 11th doctor... in time, in time.
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